Women: Go back to Hell where you came from.

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27 Jan 2007, 6:07 pm

when are the mods gonna delete this piece of s**t thread???


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27 Jan 2007, 7:29 pm

Anyhow what did his friend with benefits (as he calls her) do that was so wrong? If they had a arrangement for casual sex with no long term commitment? If she finds someone she can have a serious relationship with a future together nothing wrong with that. If it was the other way and he was the one who found someone he wanted to have a real relationship with i would assume he would break up with the FWB.
Obviously Ken you need counciling and medication to treat your mood swings and depression. You are on WP every couple of weeks threatening to kill yourself. You are the one who needs to get his act together before you get a relationship. You are obviously a very unstable person. If you have a tantrum and say you are going to kill yourself over the slightest thing that doesn't go you way.

It are a fact
I know because of my learnings.


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27 Jan 2007, 8:04 pm

I'm not really upset at my friend in the friends with benefits thing, I was just really looking forward to seeign her and she canceled on me.


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27 Jan 2007, 9:38 pm

So for that she deserves an eternity of fiery torment?


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27 Jan 2007, 9:39 pm

she cut you off, or just said she couldn't come that day?


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27 Jan 2007, 10:03 pm

Ken, I know what your going through. But you can't let it make you into an animal though, women are people too. Granted it really sucks seeing as your feeling helpless and doomed to such a torturous lifestyle, but not every single woman on the planet is your assailant. I fear you might be ready to snap and cross that point of no return. Whatever you do, do not ever force yourself on a woman.
You can do what I do, save up some money and buy an hour with an escort. Get your frustrations out, atleast as much as possible... I know it might be difficult to afford an escort on a regular basis if you don't make alot of money (chances are you don't). But if you can afford an escort once every month or two it'll help out alittle bit. Get your head on straight and look into colledge (if your not already too old).... The trick is to get through colledge as young as possible and get into a field that makes alot of money, prefferably one where you can be self employed. Once you make alot of money, women will take more interest in you.
But women are people man, it's the feminists who are the evil ones. Don't make the mistake of judging all women though, this will only hold you back further from eventually finding a partner. Women are not kitchen slaves or bed attachments, I do realise sex is a need though. Gotta seek a rational balance.... I personally think willful prostitution should be legalised and worked out in a different pay route to make it more affordable to lower income clientele.
To others on here....This people, is a glimpse of what involuntary celibacy can do to people. it isn't a laughing matter, incel is responsible for alot of the world's illness, and the ones who aren't starving for it do not care about our plight because it doesn't effect THEIR day to day life.


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27 Jan 2007, 10:41 pm

jesus christ, there's all kinds of sexist BS in this thread.

"feminists are the evil ones"

Ok. Sorry to say this without the asterisk, but f**k you. Seriously. Is there an ignore option on this board so I can just avoid all your posts from now on? I mean, yeah, there's stupid people out there, but without the feminist movements, things like birth control, and I don't know, the ability for women to WEAR PANTS and OWN LAND and VOTE without being thrown into jail or publically shamed would not exist. Put down feminists all you want, but there's a huge reason they came about to begin with, and its because a lot of men felt it necessary to wield their penises like swords.

A lot of people on this board, a lot of Aspie MALES on this board, talk about how they're bullied, repressed, made fun of, not allowed to think for themselves, sick of being treated like they're different, etc. But THEN turn around and say stupid generalizing BS statements about women that are just as bad as the bullying and NT ignorance you all complain about. BEING SEXIST and MAKING HUGE SWEEPING GENERALIZATIONS ABOUT FEMALES IS QUITE AN NT WAY TO THINK!! ! CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE BECOME A NORM. NOW ALL THE LADIES WILL TOTALLY LIKE YOU! OMG!

This was directed to the jerks making sexist, anti-woman statements and not to all the cool people in this thread who see through the BS (much love to you guys <3)


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27 Jan 2007, 10:53 pm

Veronica wrote:
jesus christ, there's all kinds of sexist BS in this thread.

"feminists are the evil ones"

Ok. Sorry to say this without the asterisk, but f**k you. Seriously. Is there an ignore option on this board so I can just avoid all your posts from now on? I mean, yeah, there's stupid people out there, but without the feminist movements, things like birth control, and I don't know, the ability for women to WEAR PANTS and OWN LAND and VOTE without being thrown into jail or publically shamed would not exist. Put down feminists all you want, but there's a huge reason they came about to begin with, and its because a lot of men felt it necessary to wield their penises like swords.

A lot of people on this board, a lot of Aspie MALES on this board, talk about how they're bullied, repressed, made fun of, not allowed to think for themselves, sick of being treated like they're different, etc. But THEN turn around and say stupid generalizing BS statements about women that are just as bad as the bullying and NT ignorance you all complain about. BEING SEXIST and MAKING HUGE SWEEPING GENERALIZATIONS ABOUT FEMALES IS QUITE AN NT WAY TO THINK!! ! CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE BECOME A NORM. NOW ALL THE LADIES WILL TOTALLY LIKE YOU! OMG!

This was directed to the jerks making sexist, anti-woman statements and not to all the cool people in this thread who see through the BS (much love to you guys <3)

I presume I was one of the latter?

(No longer a mod)

On sabbatical...


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27 Jan 2007, 11:06 pm

To begin with there was not one thing sexist about what I said. Not one, nadda, you just want to pretend the truth is biased towards females.
You only point out the good things from feminism, and ignore the bad things.... Hm, I wonder why this is? I agree, women should be allowed to be equal, and feminism BEGAN as a good thing. It's gotten horribly corrupted by selfish b*****s like you who want to be dominant rather than equal. You b***h about wanting to be equal but then you insist that men have to do ALL the courting... In a man's world, WE have to do ALL the courting. You just have to take your pic when one of the 3 or 4 men a week on average or more who hits on you comes along that you like. Point is, you can get a guy. Most aspie men can't get a girl. This isn't a sexist statement, it's facts. If anything YOUR being sexist.
Yeah sex is a physiological need:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_h ... y_of_needs
But you can get a guy if you want to, hell look at the statistics, walk into any autism group and all the women have a NT man and the AS men are all lonely.
I've stood up against guys trying to condone rape before, I've stood up against guys claiming that women should be relegated to the kitchen. I'm not sexist. You are.
Apparently any 50/50 solution that doesn't end in thousands of men starving your going to have an issue with. You won't even admit that your in demand. You don't want equality, you want superiority, and what kills you is deep down you KNOW I'm right but you can't admit it.
My 50/50 is legalising willfull prostitution and making it more affordable through an alternate payroute. Your 15/85 idea of equality means large numbers of men have to starve and suffer. See the difference, I seek a mid ground that would be fair to all, you seek dominance.
f**k your stupid ass political f*****g correctness, I don't believe in throwing away the truth so pansies don't get their feelings hurt. People have to grow some balls to step up to their own criticisms. Men aren't perfect either, and I've found quite a few sexist men on here, which is just as repulsive. In fact I think there's a sickening double standard when it comes to getting action, where a man will be treated like an icon a woman will be treated like a whore, and to me that is wrong. Because rather you wanna see it or not, I do see women as human beings. But your problem lies in that I also see men as human beings, and I don't think we should be left to starve because of feminists selfishness or will to dominate. If you want it, you can get it. So screw us, right? And that attitude will breed illness which will lead to more women getting sexually abused, way to go for feminism, breeding their own enemies through their own ignorance, I see how much your really helping women out :roll:
Point blank women control sex, there is no 50/50 on it. The man has to impress the woman through courting, the woman just has to take her pic.
I'm not saying in any way shape or form that it excuses sex offenders, but I am saying this type of attitude from feminists is equally to blame for it.


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27 Jan 2007, 11:12 pm

er, wrong link, that was some religious psycho's link so his link had little credibility but here is a better link:



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27 Jan 2007, 11:30 pm

snake321 wrote:
To begin with there was not one thing sexist about what I said. Not one, nadda, you just want to pretend the truth is biased towards females.
You only point out the good things from feminism, and ignore the bad things.... Hm, I wonder why this is? I agree, women should be allowed to be equal, and feminism BEGAN as a good thing. It's gotten horribly corrupted by selfish b*****s like you who want to be dominant rather than equal. You b***h about wanting to be equal but then you insist that men have to do ALL the courting... In a man's world, WE have to do ALL the courting. You just have to take your pic when one of the 3 or 4 men a week on average or more who hits on you comes along that you like. Point is, you can get a guy. Most aspie men can't get a girl. This isn't a sexist statement, it's facts. If anything YOUR being sexist.
Yeah sex is a physiological need:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_h ... y_of_needs
But you can get a guy if you want to, hell look at the statistics, walk into any autism group and all the women have a NT man and the AS men are all lonely.
I've stood up against guys trying to condone rape before, I've stood up against guys claiming that women should be relegated to the kitchen. I'm not sexist. You are.
Apparently any 50/50 solution that doesn't end in thousands of men starving your going to have an issue with. You won't even admit that your in demand. You don't want equality, you want superiority, and what kills you is deep down you KNOW I'm right but you can't admit it.
My 50/50 is legalising willfull prostitution and making it more affordable through an alternate payroute. Your 15/85 idea of equality means large numbers of men have to starve and suffer. See the difference, I seek a mid ground that would be fair to all, you seek dominance.
f**k your stupid ass political f***ing correctness, I don't believe in throwing away the truth so pansies don't get their feelings hurt. People have to grow some balls to step up to their own criticisms. Men aren't perfect either, and I've found quite a few sexist men on here, which is just as repulsive. In fact I think there's a sickening double standard when it comes to getting action, where a man will be treated like an icon a woman will be treated like a whore, and to me that is wrong. Because rather you wanna see it or not, I do see women as human beings. But your problem lies in that I also see men as human beings, and I don't think we should be left to starve because of feminists selfishness or will to dominate. If you want it, you can get it. So screw us, right? And that attitude will breed illness which will lead to more women getting sexually abused, way to go for feminism, breeding their own enemies through their own ignorance, I see how much your really helping women out :roll:
Point blank women control sex, there is no 50/50 on it. The man has to impress the woman through courting, the woman just has to take her pic.
I'm not saying in any way shape or form that it excuses sex offenders, but I am saying this type of attitude from feminists is equally to blame for it.

how old are you? really? because based on this, you don't know JACK s**t. You think I can just walk outside and get a date? Are you nuts? You really truly believe that women have it easy? That we control sex? Do you ever get off the internet and experience reality or are you just basing your opinions on a few lame websites and some girls who weren't into you?

Here's a better question to ask: have you ever been physically forced onto a bed and had a dick shoved into your mouth? Do you want me to tell you what that's like?

And the assumption that I want to be dominant is crap. You don't know me personally and can't make that assumption. I have a boyfriend because I actually stumbled across a guy who A) wasn't going to physically assault me, or verbally bash me and B) actually thought all my quirks were charming and part of what makes me unique, as opposed to just looking at me as the freakish girl. I also have PATIENCE. I haven't been with a lot of guys in my life, and contrary to your belief of all women having it easy to find someone, a lot of girls go through horrible bouts of depression JUST LIKE YOU because they can't find someone who will ACTUALLY LOVE THEM.

Sure, I could go outside and get laid, anyone can, even horribly malformed people can, there's a fetish for everything out there!, but in terms of actually having a relationship?! IT'S JUST AS HARD FOR FEMALES. IT IS EQUALLY HARD.

Also, I would rather not be referred to as a female dog. Call a female dog a b***h.

And I don't know where you get off with all these numbers and stats about MY political views when you don't know me or my political views. I DON'T think men are inferior and I DON'T want men to suffer and starve. I LOVE GUYS. MOST OF MY FRIENDS ARE MALES. MOST OF MY IDOLS AND HEROES AND PEOPLE I'VE LOOKED UP TO ARE MALES. As a filmmaker, I'm a female in man's industry, I work wih and trust and respect men all the time. I love guys who respect WOMEN and other people though. I love guys who treat EVERYONE with respect, not guys who spew crap about how women should burn in hell and that they are all demon spawn, etc. etc. That kind of attitude will NOT get anyone laid. I also don't love guys who call me a b***h. And I never wanted guys to do all the courting. I actually do most of the courting in my life. YOU'RE MAKING GENERALIZATIONS OF WOMEN. The assumption that all girls want men to do the courting is crap. My mom asked my dad to marry her. These women exist, they're out there, you just need to get off the internet, stop calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a "b***h", and start treating EVERYONE with respect. Because honestly, you're saying you respect women, but you're not showing it.

Have fun being alone.


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27 Jan 2007, 11:43 pm

Ok, but the point is you don't HAVE to court men, men will approach you anyhow, while this might get annoying, you have options. How many aspie females on here have a NT boyfriend vs. how many AS men have a girlfriend? Go ahead, do the math.
I'm not being sexist. Feminism is sexist, it's a cult. But I'm getting bashed for merely stating clear, obvious facts that any total dumbass could see if they weren't looking at it biasely. Maybe you just need to hit puberty or something, I dunno.
Rape is a horrible thing, I'm not condoning rape. But I'm also not condoning man-hating feminist "kill all men" propaganda and filth.
I didn't make any assumptions on your political views, you said it all when you stood up for feminists, you showed me exactly where you stand. I don't need an organization or cult to tell me women should be equals, but apparently you do, and aparently you do hate men or you wouldn't be a feminist.... My guess is your just spouting off a load of victimology.
Seriously, count up the AS women who've found a man and then count the number of AS men who have a woman, most AS females have NT husbands so the male/female AS ratio looses alot of water there. Go ahead, do the math


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27 Jan 2007, 11:44 pm

If it's any consulation Ken's rants were just as bad for being sexist, I don't support that line of thinking either.


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28 Jan 2007, 12:10 am

snake321 wrote:
Ok, but the point is you don't HAVE to court men, men will approach you anyhow, while this might get annoying, you have options. How many aspie females on here have a NT boyfriend vs. how many AS men have a girlfriend? Go ahead, do the math.
I'm not being sexist. Feminism is sexist, it's a cult. But I'm getting bashed for merely stating clear, obvious facts that any total dumbass could see if they weren't looking at it biasely. Maybe you just need to hit puberty or something, I dunno.
Rape is a horrible thing, I'm not condoning rape. But I'm also not condoning man-hating feminist "kill all men" propaganda and filth.
I didn't make any assumptions on your political views, you said it all when you stood up for feminists, you showed me exactly where you stand. I don't need an organization or cult to tell me women should be equals, but apparently you do, and aparently you do hate men or you wouldn't be a feminist.... My guess is your just spouting off a load of victimology.
Seriously, count up the AS women who've found a man and then count the number of AS men who have a woman, most AS females have NT husbands so the male/female AS ratio looses alot of water there. Go ahead, do the math

I've hit puberty three times over now.

Anyway, you're assuming things of my beliefs because I stood up for feminist principles. Maybe your ideas of what feminism are don't mesh with mine, but all the feminists I know are not male hating b***h trolls from hell spewing burning hot lava from their genitals like you seem to believe. Where do you live? And what feminists have you actually met?

Last time I checked, I was not a card carrying member of any group or cult, I'm just a female who has been abused, discriminated against, and continues to struggle just to get my voice heard in this world. You know, like all the Aspies here.

And no, men aren't killing themselves to court me. In fact, I've gone years, YEARS without being asked on a lousy date. Every time I've taken the chance and asked THEM on a date, they get freaked out and run the other way. I'm not hideous, I'm just not what NT men want. I'm lucky in that I found someone, most of my female and male friends, NT or not, are alone and depressed and striking out in relationships. It's not just an Aspie thing and its not just a male thing, it's a HUMAN thing. We all suck at this and there's never going to be an easy answer to finding love. That's why there's millions of dating websites, and escorts, and prostitutes, and sex advice columnists, etc. BECAUSE WE ALL SUCK AT LOVE AND SEX AND RELATIONSHIPS. No one is born with the charm unless they're born with the money and that's just how it goes. I've been cheated on, sexually abused, had my heart thrown to the wolves, been completely rejected and laughed at in front of everyone. Relationships are hard and getting them is even harder. I was always that girl chasing the guy who was not interested, I was always that girl obsessed with the guy who's already taken.

It's hard no matter what you have between your legs. Stop making assumptions of things. Even though many of the Aspie girls here have boyfriends, it's because there is significantly LESS Aspie girls period. The ratio here kills your logic. If there was an even number of females and men who were Aspie and the females predominantly were in relationships, THEN you'd have a point.

I also hang out with the weird crowd, the kids who are artists and musicians, actors and writers. You'll find all kinds of neurodiversity in these groups because the level of focus required to be an artist is not something an NT can handle. We're all OCD, ADHD, etc. And so we all found each other and date each other and hurt each other and make each other happy and support each other because we all relate with each other. We're used to each other's odd ways. That's where I found my boyfriend. God knows he's all sorts of neurological oddities.

It'll happen for you, but it takes time and it takes making that effort. Someone who stands up for the rights of women are not evil people, they're people who've seen how much crap has been dealt to women over the years. Do a study of historical practices (are you familiar with the geisha women of China and how their husbands forced them to bind their feet? This is just a small example). No one is asking men to do these barbaric things. No one is telling men to relinquish their right to vote or their right to own land or their right to marry who they chose (arranged marriages are STILL in practice in many parts of the world, but the women have no say at all in these practices.) No one here is calling for the heads of men to roll. We've all been hurt by men and women, it's an equal thing.

I understand you're hurt, but its not the feminists that have hurt you, its the stupid societal pressures placed by EVERYONE that have.

BTW. I'm 24. I'm way past going through puberty.