Here is the problem. I'm currently 17-years-old, but I'll be 18 on April 4th so I haven't been able to join any dating websites. Anyhow, I've gone around the Internet for years looking for a good female mate, but for some reason when I find them, they either turn out bad, non interested in relationship or careless people who want to get with me just for fun, not for love. Sure I'm only currently 17 and I have a long life ahead of me (I hope), but I can't stand it. I'm a person of love. I just like having some reason to wake in the morning other than it being just another day, ya' know? Anyhow, I'm posting this topic asking about good places to find GOOD, LOVING, females.
Thanks in advance!
Me: it's because I'm ugly? Y/N
You're not ugly. In fact I think most girls your age would think you were very handsome. You should probably try finding a girlfriend offline.