Unknown wrote:
deep-techno wrote:
Unknown wrote:
Sedaka wrote:
i'll be playing wow
I'll be play my new xbox 360.
And I'll be playing my Wii! (and maybe doing homework or coursework)
360 PWNS wii!! !! !
In some ways it does, but in some ways it doesn't.
Personally I think Wii beats Xbox 360, but all consoles have pros and cons. You like X360, I like Wii. Different interests. Surely we can all appreciate that?
I'm not being angry or scornful in any way, but I'm just being blunt.
Although video games have much more of a significance in life than 'beloved' Valentine's day, I guess we'll have to continually converse about the Red Day (as I like to call it) even though it is a day which most of us all dread. Rather than sleeping with a girlfriend, why not sleep with a PS3, Xbox 360 or Wii? (I know it sounds weird, but I'm just enhancing my personal views of inferiority towards romantic relationships ~ wait - without romantic relationships, none of us would be here! Unless we were artificially inseminated.)
If the phrase "you are what you eat" is correct, technically we must all be cannibals.