I think it has been said a number of times so far, but I just want to pipe up and add to the stack of "Why you talk so bad to yourself?"
Seriously. Would you date yourself? What is most attractive to women is authentic confidence. If you don't think you are worth anyone's time, and that all the activities that you so carefully apply yourself are pointless, how is that attitude going to convince anyone else of your worth and potential as a boyfriend? Quiet confidence is beautiful, magnificent... To just declare that you don't require anyone's approval is brave and attractive.
That is what I think several others are nudging you toward.
Yes. Even we as Aspie's need social interaction, love, affection, respect, and approval. What you are forgetting is that if you don't give it to yourself first, then you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
I'll tell you a little story. I just turned 30 this past year. The things you've written about yourself in this thread could have been written by me. I've indulged in negative self-talk (and yes! it is indulgence) for most of my life. I don't know quite how it began to change, but I changed. I've been slowly realizing that when I reject myself, I reject all the beautiful, unique, and unknown things and people who could love me as I am.
I abandon myself at the bottom of the well, sobbing, rejected.
So who is really leaving you to be lonely and rejected? It is you. You are.
Even if you had an amazing girlfriend who adored you, if you still despised yourself as much as you do now, you wouldn't be happy. You would feel empty, frustrated that she didn't see you as you see you, in pieces and flawed.
This I know. I've learned that lesson so thoroughly, that even though I know I'm sounding preachy right now, I can't help myself from telling you. You sound desperate to fill a hole in your heart that exists only because you carved it out due to your own fear.
And you are worth so much. Your body wants to live! It breathes!
Stop telling yourself lies about what you should think or be.
I used this negative self talk to keep people away. I am a chameleon champion, always becoming something new every time someone showed interest in being my friend, wanting to date me. I thought if I was giving them the person they wanted to be with then they would be happy and they would stay with me and fill up my emptiness.
What always (and I mean ALWAYS) happened was that I abused myself for the acceptance and "love" of someone I couldn't even respect because they didn't even know me and what I thought and what horrible things I told myself in my head. That is not living. That is not healthy.
Now, I'm trying to be authentic. Even in my fear, my anxiety, my depression, I am trying to look at myself with compassion. How can I expect compassion from anyone else if I cannot be compassionate to myself? It is so hard to do, but I keep trying because I am worth it. You are worth it. We are all bright sparks in this vast sky, and our special twinkling is so vital to the pattern.
Now I've gone on too long.
You can't control other people by pinning yourself to the cork board like a butterfly. You'll die and they will mourn the bright fluttering beauty that they could have seen flying free.