help with my okcupid profile

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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13 Jun 2012, 11:28 am

Ive vering degrees of success, but at long last ivw decided to completely redo my profile. so any tips for putting it together?

?A boy has the right to dream?
There are endless possibilities stretched out before him?
What awaits him down the path, he will then have to choose?
As they search they are always asking questions, What?s out there?, What?s waiting for me??
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13 Jun 2012, 11:29 am

Hi baka :)

Have you got a link to your profile?


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13 Jun 2012, 12:05 pm

Why do you need OKcupid anyway for?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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13 Jun 2012, 2:25 pm theres the link its out of date and most of it is now irrilevent

and im on ok because im 20 so i cant go to bars, live in albuquerque nm and im not into all that gangsta bs which most of the girls here are into

?A boy has the right to dream?
There are endless possibilities stretched out before him?
What awaits him down the path, he will then have to choose?
As they search they are always asking questions, What?s out there?, What?s waiting for me??
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13 Jun 2012, 2:59 pm

Hey baka that is the link to your own profile once you are logged in, it's not a universal link for everyone.

It should look like:

(USERNAME being your alias on OkCupid).

I hear ya, man. Sometimes your interests, lifestyle and needs are in a minority depending where you are from and the local culture.


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13 Jun 2012, 2:59 pm

baka-kun wrote: theres the link its out of date and most of it is now irrilevent

and im on ok because im 20 so i cant go to bars, live in albuquerque nm and im not into all that gangsta bs which most of the girls here are into

that link brings us to our profile there.

Just post your okc username here.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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13 Jun 2012, 3:13 pm

Sorry about that im using my phone for all of this so what i can see and do is kind of limited my username is baka_kun

?A boy has the right to dream?
There are endless possibilities stretched out before him?
What awaits him down the path, he will then have to choose?
As they search they are always asking questions, What?s out there?, What?s waiting for me??
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13 Jun 2012, 3:27 pm


I would explain what a Hookah bar is or just indicate you work in a themed bar. And reword / remove all the hookah references in general. There are a lot of stupid people out there :lol: and they might interpret it as ghetto spelling for hooker.

Unfortunately that might mean editing your 6 things you could never do without. A suggestion, you could link a pic to it instead and go "this (link of pic here)"

You don't want the thug life girls but want them around your age? I would suggest changing your grooming habits (facial hair, hair style). Those photos aren't bad, they just might not appeal to the age group you're looking for as you seem very mature.

Your media interests seem pretty cool! Avoid hesitant and vague language about the stuff you like. Cut right to it. "I'm reading this and this, I think this about it..." , other books I enjoyed are -X -Y -Z etc.

Are you learning Japanese? It says you can speak Japanese poorly. You could touch on that in your what you are doing with your life section. You could also say what types of things you have been cooking, what you've be studying and if you are working days or nights and so forth.

Just say on a Friday night you are hanging out with friends, or what it is you do at home besides smoking (that might be listening to music).


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13 Jun 2012, 3:49 pm

What JM said.
and use complete words (like 'you' instead of 'u').


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13 Jun 2012, 5:30 pm

Work on your capitalization a bit.

Don't mention you might be moving. If I was a girl, I would see that and say "Why waste my time? He's leaving in a few months."

Def try to rework the "What I'm doing now?"

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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13 Jun 2012, 7:12 pm

Sorry about that im using my phone for all of this so what i can see and do is kind of limited my username is baka_kun

?A boy has the right to dream?
There are endless possibilities stretched out before him?
What awaits him down the path, he will then have to choose?
As they search they are always asking questions, What?s out there?, What?s waiting for me??
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14 Jun 2012, 2:24 am

heh.... should I thread-jack to ask for a critique of my account (username "SeeThreePeeOh") or start my own? ;)

I tried to find your account, baka_kun... no luck. Maybe my search criteria is killing the results...