yellowtamarin wrote:
BlueMax wrote:
As far as the video goes, she wasn't only fat - she was repulsively ugly (hard to do with stick figures.)

Other than that, it's a one-trick pony.
I was just going for a few yuks, not a lively debate... it's actually been quite interesting.

She was also huge, as in tall. Maybe after his first two terrible results, he was too scared to risk anything with a giant

I honestly don't understand why men seem to be so put off by height. Models are tall!
It's like every inch you grow as a woman your dating pool shrinks. Sorry for the ot, the word "giant" just strikes a nerve with me because it can be a struggle to be seen as feminine if you're tall and strong.
The judgement on being (having) fat changes depending on gender and culture. People are people, body size isn't a huge factor of personality in my experience.
That video...if it's satire of the kind of hyperbole some guys use when describing dating,I think it's quite good.
If it's not I think it itself is a piece of silly hyperbole, I make way more than my S.O.,and Belle knew the beast was rich while she still hated him and only changed her mind when he started acting right.
If your success is defined as being well adjusted to injustice and well adapted to indifference, then we don?t want successful leaders. We want great leaders- who are unbought, unbound, unafraid, and unintimidated to tell the truth.