Guyperson wrote:
Everything else about her feels like I've found a unicorn - the woman I've been searching for that I never though could exist.
Awwwww! That is awesome. And, a sort of obscure reference to the
Glass Menagerie, just like my username, even if you didn't intend it to be, lol. (Laura Wingfield is in many ways an archetypal autistic female). Try to remember that feeling and call upon it the next time things are challenging and you need to show some patience. And, if you ever read that play in school, think back to when that guy broke off the glass unicorn's horn. Without thinking or appreciating it, he handled it too harshly and it was no longer special.
Anyhow, I think it's great that you're trying to learn and would second the suggestion to read
Aspergirls. Goofy title, but an excellent book. It sounds like you are starting to realize that using prior experience with non-AS women as a roadmap may not work in this instance and your best shot at making this work will be learning her language, so that is also great.
As far as her needing copious amounts of time alone and having difficulty rearranging her routines; I am the same way. I don't 'read people' the way others do and feel I have lived much of my life in a state of high alert because I never really know what people are thinking, what they'll say or do, how they'll react to me, etc. It's only when I'm alone that I can fully relax and recharge. And, my routines help me feel like I have some kind of a foundation and something that is dependable and makes sense in a chaotic world.
It will probably not be an easy thing for her to let you in, but it will help if you can make her feel comfortable around you and like she can trust you to do as you say and (explicitly) say what you'll do. Try your best to be clear in your communication with her and also give her warning before making any moves, ie. "Is it okay if I put my arm around you?" Try to bear in mind that she'll rarely, if ever, be able to read your mind and that she experiences the world very differently than most people you know and hopefully that will go a long way. Good luck!