Extreme Attraction
This is a topic I want to start since there is this problem that people like me need to answer. I am a 19 year old female and have had a problem for about 8 to 9 years now. When I was in 7th grade, I started the year off by noticing this male teacher but didn't think anything of it. I then started to have a constant string of dreams about this teacher for a month or two and it didn't go away until I decided that I liked this man and when I said I liked this teacher, I liked him a lot in the way of an incredibly strong/extreme sexual attraction that I couldn't really control. I don't know why this could happen in such a way but even a glimps of him would make me sweat, shake, make my eyes water and make it feel like my heart was going to pump right out of my chest. This rather obsession with this teacher would continue for the rest of my life and now that I am my age, I can only be attracted to a man that closely resembles this teacher. I did find a guy that is a very close fit and has autism but he says he's not ready for a relationship even though he is 35 years old. Makes me sad and irritated since quite a few guys go after me, but not the ones I really want to pursue for a relationship, and the one guy I found has no interest.
Can anyone help me with this or is there any good answers that could conclude such an odd situation?
I guess we're all a bit picky, you know.
The problem is when we've seen something that is incredibly extreme and rare (in terms of attractiveness in this case) we focus on the extreme part and sort of become numbed by it in a sort of way that nothing else excites us anymore besides that and yes it makes us in this case sexually numbed.