1. If your only interest is really surfing the internet, do not be surprised if you don't have a wonderful love life. You have to make an active effort, don't just sit around being nice and smart hoping things will work out for you. Go out more places and talk to more people. It can be done. I am a girl and I am famously, astonishingly, ridiculously shy and awkward, yet I have asked several different guys out. And usually been rejected. But that's a risk you take. It isn't impossible. Rejection hurts, but you need to be able to risk it and not take it personally.
2. Whether or not a guy has a fancy car or house doesn't make any difference as to whether or not I find him attractive.
3. Here are some things that usually make me interested in a man:
-Laughing at my jokes
-Being silly with me and not taking yourself too seriously
-Being witty. (However, if you're not witty and you try to be, this usually ends badly.)
-Appreciation of the whimsical-as in, willing to talk about stuff usually considered to be "for kids" or "too weird". Likes stuff like cute baby animals
-Genuine and honest
-Crucially-complimenting me about something that isn't obvious or cliched will usually make my week. For example, I have ridiculously massive boobs. I know this and I hear it all the time. Therefore, while compliments about my boobs are better than nothing at all, it does get a bit boring. I'm also rather smart, and it's obvious so I hear that all the time. So when people compliment me about being smart, I still appreciate it, but what really makes me happy is when people compliment me on things that aren't so obvious or blatant.
-Also, I don't tend to like it when someone asks me out straight away. It brings a bit too much pressure. Keep things light and casual for a bit.