SINsister wrote:
Boxman108 wrote:
If it is a flaw for guys to be shy or quiet, it should be the same for the other gender if we are to have equality.
So you put a lot of stake into our "society's" gender rules and roles, then, I'm guessing?
Personally, I happen to adore quiet/shy guys. One never knows what's lurking beneath that reserved demeanor...

This only works for so long. When they continue to be mysterious and refusing to open for a certain amount of time people lose interest in the person.
I have had two occasions where woman either continue to use the "You don't know me that well" and you ask why is that the case (not pushing them), or outright not expand their horizons in opinions that maybe taboo at first but talked about when you have a certain level of trust.
It happens with men too...the mysterious side eventually becomes boring if you don't progress that so you are the trusted one for them to reveal more of themselves.
I don't mind shy/quiet girls but if they remain that around someone they trust (even if other people say that they seem more open towards you), I lose interest as that will be their maximum limit of letting someone in...and I couldn't live with zero excitement....I want to hear something new about them at least at a consistent pace so I go "Wow, I never knew you x!". It breathes new life into a relationship.
Just a guy who gives advice and talks a lot.