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04 Feb 2013, 6:31 pm

I have bipolar NOS, which could be anything really, but for me it's that I have depressive episodes and my manic episodes are atypical. I get a little antsy and have anxiety, but both my depressive episodes and my manic episodes are rare these days. I found pretty much the perfect combination of medications and everyone around me says I seem like I've been magically cured. I used to either hide and feel nothing, or hide because everything was overwhelming.

I've never gotten violent when it wasn't something most people would deem warranted.

I think a lot of people get misdiagnosed bipolar because they have minor ups and downs or can't control their anger but that's like the opposite of my experience. I have no difficulty controlling my anger. I don't seek support from a partner when I'm depressed or manic, it's something I feel I have to handle on my own. I have very very minor episodes recently, but it's a very tumultuous time in my life and even my psychiatrist has said I'm handling it with grace. (BS, but I'm coping alright)

I don't think seeking a specific mental ailment is the best way to begin a relationship but to each their own. Good luck. :)

Warning, my tumblr is a man-free zone :)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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04 Feb 2013, 6:36 pm

I'm diagnosed Bipolar I (the classic manifestation), and he is diagnosed AS. It would be difficult to say either one of us are typical in those categories because everyone is their own individual. I've never had an issue getting dates, and probably the real difficulty has been making the guy understand any ups or downs are not his fault. Most generally I am a little offbeat, but fairly level-headed. After my diagnosis about seven or so years ago, I became more away of the bipolar label. While I was happy to have a diagnosis, and have treatment options--the sheer stereotypes have prevented me from talking about it much. I don't care to be judged primarily on a diagnosis. Not to mention, there are a lot of people that like to say "so and so is/ must be bipolar," when it reality it just seems that person is a simply a jerk with more than likely some other issue going on. Just my perspective. I am more than happy to discuss it with people when I feel it can be helpful for them, and there are good things that do come from educating people if possible.

With my mixed relationship, there have been misunderstandings on both of our ends. I explain it as the person that has went through every emotion there is, sometimes on a weekly basis (me), dating a man who is no less emotional really--just has problems processing them. It makes for an interesting mix at times. I have found it has been beneficial for each of us; there is some weird understanding. Also, I have noticed some overlap between us. As social as I CAN be, he seems to enjoy that, the getting out and about. However, it leaves me emotionally exhausted (him as well), so then we can be introverts together. If I am down, of course he gets worried, but understands because he gets down in his own way sometimes as well. I have not had full mania for quite some time, but still get hypomania every now and again. So after I've spent several days consumed by some seemingly inane task, or deciding I'm going to re-arrange the entire house at one in the morning, it would be horribly misunderstanding of me to criticize his current interest, and the single-mindedness it brings. I take his words seriously if my behavior becomes unhealthy, and he seems to reciprocate that sentiment about any concerns I have with his.

Anyway, that is a (so far) positive story. Unfortunately, it is probably not the norm. Personality types are so varied, and a diagnosis of anything cannot predict chemistry or what type of person someone is. I don't feel broken. Maybe frustrated is a better description. It is hard to be at the mercy of whatever emotion might be lurking around the corner. I think for you to request a bipolar girl would lead to some interesting responses, but probably not the kind you would like. I can't speak for any other female bipolar, but would be suspicious if I ran across an ad like that. You would be better off writing a dynamic, and honest, piece about yourself. Quirky comes in all varieties :) Best of luck!


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04 Feb 2013, 10:10 pm

I can't speak for any other female bipolar, but would be suspicious if I ran across an ad like that.

Yeah, stupid thread. My brain fires off a million ideas, and maybe one of them is good. I agree anything I probably could do to put it into practice would come off wrong. It's an interesting thought, but the execution is where it breaks down. Anyway, thanks, guys. I'll have to come up with better ideas next time.

I sometimes have a burning thought that's more like a feeling that is difficult to put into words, much less practice. That's what this is. I'm not really a creepy person in real life.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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04 Feb 2013, 10:26 pm

Tyri0n wrote:
I sometimes have a burning thought that's more like a feeling that is difficult to put into words, much less practice. That's what this is. I'm not really a creepy person in real life.

It makes for interesting conversation. Not suspicious alluding to creepy-weird! In my head asking for something that specific and random was more akin like asking for a girl with one specific shoe size or "exactly 5 feet, 6 and 3/4 inches tall." Something like that. :D


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04 Feb 2013, 10:37 pm

So if I put it on OKC and kept POF legitimate, that wouldn't forever spoil my face as the creeper on the internet? That's really good to know. :-)


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05 Feb 2013, 8:55 pm

Maybe he likes the high sex drive because most bipolar women I've come across seem to have a high sex drive! Just prepare for lotsa mood swings but then again we aspies can be rather moody as well.

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Your neurotypical score is 40 of 200
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06 Feb 2013, 11:57 am

AspieOtaku wrote:
Maybe he likes the high sex drive because most bipolar women I've come across seem to have a high sex drive! Just prepare for lotsa mood swings but then again we aspies can be rather moody as well.

Um, no. That doesn't come into it at all. Not everyone with high-functioning ASD is hypersexual!


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07 Feb 2013, 2:55 am

Then you are a sucker for punishment.

Tyri0n wrote:

The manic episode does not have to last long for bipolar. There is such a thing as rapid cycling.

Then you really are a sucker for punishment.


On an unrelated note, Tyrion is awesome.

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07 Feb 2013, 3:02 am

Tyri0n wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:
A clingy woman whos always very moody?


"Clingy" is too one-sided. Bipolar people are people of both extremes/polarized opposites. Not consistently one-sided or neutral personality characteristics.

Look for either the most charismatic/hyper social/risk taking person at the party, or the person hysterically sobbing/slumped in a corner with a dark "stay the f*ck away from me"/"I hate the world" look.

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