has anyone watched the movie "Adam"?

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Blue Jay
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14 May 2013, 2:08 am

my as bf and i were having lunch and he told me he was annoyed with the melody of my voice. he said it was annoying. i felt bad and told him that hearing him say that made me not want to talk anymore. he apologized and said that he didn't want to make me cry. he said he needs people around him who think like him and he brought up the move "adam". he began explaining the premise of the movie then said, i feel like crying. we've been seeing each other for four months, and this is the first time that i've ever heard/seen/felt him express emotions like this.

the next night, we started watching the movie, but didn't finish it because we were both tired and we ended up falling asleep (in each other's arms =P). this happened a couple of weeks ago and i've asked him three times, since, if we were going to finish watching the movie and he said yes, but we haven't so far.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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14 May 2013, 2:11 am

Yeah I saw it. Adam was very very far on the spectrum. I could associate with some of it, and imagine what it would be like to be farther on the spectrum.

It's an alright movie on its own. I'm sorry you guys have struggled to get through it though and I hope you can get to the end. :)

Blue Jay
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14 May 2013, 2:14 am

yes, before we watched it he repeated three times that this was 'acting' to the extreme. i didn't feel like he 'struggled'' with the movie, per se, but i am thinking about what he said at lunch about needing other people around him who think like him.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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14 May 2013, 2:17 am

Of course it's acting. :P However to a certain extent there are truths in almost everything that was in that movie. The ritualistic mornings, eating the same types of foods regularly, keeping to a certain wardrobe (not the exact same clothes over but not really expanding the wardrobe, maybe) and most importantly a very selective focus on interests.

Beyond all that it was an interesting watch. It speaks volumes about how people with Asperger's work and think but again, it's to the extreme.

Also I was wondering. What does your boyfriend think about your tone/voice? You said he didn't like the melody?

edit: I want to say that in my opinion it's difficult to socialize with people similar to me, or further on the spectrum. Doesn't stop me from trying but I blend in with society much better than some Aspies.

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14 May 2013, 2:22 am

he mentioned the pitch went higher at the end of my sentences...like i'm asking a question (although i wasn't).

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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14 May 2013, 2:27 am

Haha, that's funny. I have a friend who does that. I bet he's happy he's got you though, regardless of how you change pitch when you speak :)


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14 May 2013, 2:32 am

Budget $3,200,000
Box office $2,549,605

What a failure.

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14 May 2013, 2:36 am

Vitamin-K wrote:
Haha, that's funny. I have a friend who does that. I bet he's happy he's got you though, regardless of how you change pitch when you speak :)

yea, he better feel damn happy he's got me!! =]

also, if he hadn't said that, i wouldn't have felt the emotions that he's capable of feeling. up to that point, i thought he was strictly all "logic."

Blue Jay
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14 May 2013, 2:36 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Budget $3,200,000
Box office $2,549,605

What a failure.

may have had something to do with the acting.


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14 May 2013, 3:50 am

corkyviolet wrote:
my as bf and i were having lunch and he told me he was annoyed with the melody of my voice. he said it was annoying. i felt bad and told him that hearing him say that made me not want to talk anymore. he apologized and said that he didn't want to make me cry. he said he needs people around him who think like him and he brought up the move "adam". he began explaining the premise of the movie then said, i feel like crying. we've been seeing each other for four months, and this is the first time that i've ever heard/seen/felt him express emotions like this.

the next night, we started watching the movie, but didn't finish it because we were both tired and we ended up falling asleep (in each other's arms =P). this happened a couple of weeks ago and i've asked him three times, since, if we were going to finish watching the movie and he said yes, but we haven't so far.

Yes, I've seen the movie. The movie does offer hope in the end though.


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14 May 2013, 5:13 am

I didn't feel much hope at the end, as an Aspie male.

I was hoping she'd go with him for his new interstate job.

The movie tends to suggest that Aspie men are doomed to fail, and be alone :(


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14 May 2013, 5:45 am

I've said this before. Despite what the intentions of the film makers were, I feel they sent the wrong message with the movie.

Because She does not go with Him, it says that anyone with AS are not able to have mature adult relationships.

People with AS have enough trouble with relationships then having a movie re enforce it. Some people that think about having a relationship with someone with AS will see this movie and think: Well He has AS like that person in that movie, not worth even trying.


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14 May 2013, 5:51 am

I read the plot and watched some snippets, I feel that Star Trek is less fiction than this one because no NT woman would fall in love with a much-severally aspie (almost full blown autistic), jobless, friendless odd man who cleans windows wearing a spacesuit.

Then she left him after he found a good job, yeah right.


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14 May 2013, 12:55 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
I read the plot and watched some snippets, I feel that Star Trek is less fiction than this one because no NT woman would fall in love with a much-severally aspie (almost full blown autistic), jobless, friendless odd man who cleans windows wearing a spacesuit.

Then she left him after he found a good job, yeah right.

I don't think this is true at all. If Adam is what counts as 'severe' then I definitely fit that description. I've had multiple partners (my current one for 3 years). Amanda Baggs is non-verbal and has had partners. also, he was unemployed for a portion of the movie, yes. But he had been at his previous job for a long time, and quickly got another job.

Ultimately she left him because she expected different things from a partner than he could supply. But it was obvious to me that he cared about her very much.

Also, the relationship was quite unhealthy on both sides as she was shown to be quite manipulative and condescending, with issues regarding her father and his behaviour.

Idk, overall he does seem that extreme to me.

For me, I felt like the movie ends pretty up beat. He isn't in a relationship with her, sure (in real life regardless of developemental conditions and the like I don't know how many people would leave their home town, family, friends, job etc. to move across the country with a person they've been with less than 6 months). He is shown to be doing well socially at the end of the movie as well as in his career (keeping a job that involves interacting with lots of people for at least a year). He even flirts a bit with a girl with the packages (potential for development there!). Given his development and his ability to adapt to his new environment it seems to show that in fact what may have been holding him back was his dependency upon other people, going straight from being looked after and directed in large part by his father, to getting the same thing from his girlfriend. In the end he's self-supporting and sustaining.

Realistically, who marries their first partner anyway?


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14 May 2013, 1:09 pm

No, don't think I want to. :?

comedic burp


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14 May 2013, 1:25 pm

No, but I HAVE seen Punch-Drunk Love. That movie kind of depressed me, because the main character reminds me of me (minus the crying in public).

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