KenM wrote:
I have NEVER said I follow a religion. I belive in God. But I belive God is pure evil. God has the power to stop evil and he does nothing. That makes him just as evil. God lets evil things to happen so we pray to him. Thats how god stays in power.
I agree with hale_bopp 100%. You are responsible for you. As has been said a few times in this thread, trying to pass the blame to something else will only make you feel even more miserable because you'll feel you don't have control of your life, as well as how bad you think it is.
I've always thought of God as a concept to help people try and make sense of things, to give a hope of something higher. I tend to think that our belief in God comes down to our upbringing and experiences - i.e. people who have had "miracles" happen to them are more likely to believe.
What you're suggesting is God is an actual physical entity of some sort and that he is evil and that he hates
you. Keep in mind that "evil" and "hate" are relative words meaning you need something to compare them against.
If we plug some logic into that: We do have free will. We have choice. I can call you an as*hole or I can call you a nice chap. Notice how I wasn't stopped from doing either?
I'm often shocked how many times people say the two lines "If God is so good why is there war/famine" etc.
Here's my thing. Think about humans. We are, by nature, greedy, arrogant, rude, power loving. Lets say God decided to change the world tomorrow. Got rid of all war, hunger, everything that people consider bad. You think we'd all live in perfect harmony? I don't believe so. We'd find something to get riled up about - maybe not a full war but there are millions of little conflicts everywhere from neighbour disputes to civil wars.
The alternative is for God to change human nature. But then, we wouldn't be "human" anymore, would we.
But then in the end it doesn't matter what I believe, or anyone else believes. Your life is your own. If you think God is controlling you and being "evil" with you then presumably you believe there's nothing you can do about it and I'm not sure what type of reply you're expecting.
If you're just passing the blame for bad things then as I said earlier, you will only make yourself more miserable.
One thing you haven't said (in this thread) is how old you are, how many relationships you've had end badly, and why they ended badly. It may be that you can look at each of them, isolate the bits that didn't work and see how it goes. And keep in mind that the other person lost the relationship too.
Oh and there's one more thing to remember: Sometimes, people -just-don't-get-on. It's not that either of them are worse, it's not that one is lazy, they simple have too many incompatabilities and don't get on. In those cases, no one is to blame.
"When you do something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" - "God", Futurama