Gender: Preferrably male, but open to other possibilities
Age: 30-50
Height: Taller than I am (ie over 5'1)
Hair: Don't care
Eyes: Yes
Ethnicity: Any, though I seem to have a bias towards caucasian.
Build: Preferrably skinny or athletic.
Personality: Geeky and/or nerdy! Calm, patient, kind, caring, understanding, smart, funny, inquisitive, open minded, independant, adventurous, loyal, wields honesty with kindness....
Hobbies: Must love dogs and cats and horses and all sorts of animals. Enjoys reading, watching movies, table top roleplaying games. Must have intrests of their own to persue, or I will go crazy.
Religion: Atheist or agnostic, or very open to discussions and explaining their belief.
Political: Any that allow all people the same rights, priviliges and responsibilities regardless of nationality, gender, sexuality, religious beliefs, political opinion, socio-economical background, preference of cats over dogs (or vice versa), etc.
Children: Does not want any, or is content with the ones s/he already has.
Drugs: Occasional drinker, does not use tobacco or other drugs. Caffein in moderate amounts, must not be a tea-fanatic, but will enjoy a cup of tea once in a while.
Diet: Don't care, but must respect my vegetarian choice.
Music: Don't care, as long as they use headphones.
Other: Must find it easy to laugh and love, must love animals.