Gamester wrote:
So anyone who wants to say that there is no God, go ahead, because that's your own choice to believe what you want. But howver, when you die, you'd just better hope there is no God, because you will stand before him as he judges you, and if there is any disbelief in any of you, you will find suffering in the afterlife.
You sound like a preacher. And not one of those ones who informs you and allows you to make up your own mind, but one of those who tells you to believe what he/she does or else.
"Believe in God, or else he will judge you and punish you when you die" - firstly, that sounds like a threat of some sort. Is that how you try to get people to believe - with threats? Secondly, if God is all forgiving and good, as is very often claimed, then why would he punish you for having your own opinion?
I'm not insulting you or anyone else that believes in God. I stated my thoughts on what "God" is earlier in the thread, and I'm happy to allow those who believe to do so. But I think I can safely say that those who don't believe or aren't sure won't appreciate having this type of thing shoved down their throat in such a manner.
"When you do something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" - "God", Futurama