turtleoverhare wrote:
Hey man , I know exactly what holds me back, I do lack confidence by the way but the fact that I'm a bodybuilder and am 6"2 I guess attracts certain girls to me but once they've realised im socialy not normal they always disassociate themselves with me because I guess they don't like that. I guess I look the part of a "normal" person but not mentally. Plus when I did have a girlfriend who by the way was 2 years older than me and a school teacher. I payed her too much attention and I think that's why we broke up, I don't even know why we broke up but that's my guess, I don't blame her though she may have felt like I was a burden more than a boyfriend, She tried I was with her for 3 odd months... I should shut up now I reckon we will all find someone.
Ah, get how you mean. I think there is a certain amount of social status thing with women, I've had a woman dissapear mysteriously after they found out I had only a tight knight circle of friends on facebook (10-15). So maybe that was it, or I said something they found odd, who knows. Yeah I think sometimes women see a lot of attention as being smothering or "too nice", or whatever but that's a workable issue in some ways, there's mens dating advise websites (like "askmen") that talk about that, and loads of books how to change that etc. I found some of the info out there partly useful but didn't go into the books yet. I made some useful changes but everything just takes a lot of time and application.