hanyo wrote:
Fictional characters can have ideal or unusual looks, especially if you are into anime characters. It's not like in real life I'd ever meet a boy with thick waist length white hair and dog ears.
You know everything about them without ever meeting or interacting with them.
Since you never interact with them they can never treat you badly.
I have a fictional self that interacts with the fictional characters.
I haven't been thinking about them much lately but I found my fake life to be interesting and fulfilled me in some way.
I have no concept of "ideal or unusual look", because I don't care much about looks, and have no idea of "perfect beauty" or "ideal look" in people.
I don't care about knowing everything about a fictional character.
I don't care about being treated badly (unless it's physical aggresion towards me) because teasing, prise, and criticism from others don't interest me and don't touch me.
I have another self that interacts with characters that are usually creted by my own mind, and only occasionally are fictional character that somebody else has created.
However, the interaction with my characters or the fictional ones are never romantic, are mostly like if I were near them and they were near me but rarely talk to each other, or it's me talking and them listening.
And usually my characters and animals, more rarely people.
I find my internal world of fantasies to be funnier than the world out there and I spend more time in my world while drawing my characters or listening to music.
In a report card from 9th grade a teacher wrote "has a great internal world" and in a diagnostic paper there was written "is greatly focused on internal thoughts and shows schizoid tendencies in the way she is focused on her fantasies".