Evolution and the art of sex and romance

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12 Apr 2007, 9:21 am

There are a few things that may help in understanding females,

In evolution a male was made to produce billions of sperm,
in fact basically an unlimited supply for life.

while a female has only a limited supply of eggs and takes more energy to create
and maintain them,

A female only have so many children in a lifetime,
where as a male can produce as many as he wants based on how many females
he can impregnate to spread his gene pool (never mind child support)

now, much of this is instinctively a subconscious level thing.

the girls have to be and tend to be more picky about whom they want to breed with,
if they want genetically healthy children they need genetically healthy males to
share the gene pool with for healthy off spring.

males do this as well by being picky about what females they are attracted to,
but they are not nearly as picky as the females, diversity can be beneficial to the male
spreading his gene pool, same with a female but they have only a limited amount of children
they can produce.

females have more care about the health and well being of the offspring,
what they eat, etc, etc,

what this all boils down to is even if the girl is aspie she will want or desire
a more healthy masculine male genome from males who have the best
genes for physical health and the best mentality traits for survival of the children produced,
thus ass-holes often in our society tend to get more of what they desire
and tend to have higher levels of testosterone which is attractive to the females
when they come into heat, while a gentile defective aspie male, does not.

a female wants a soft and gentle male thats caring and good for helping raise the brood,
a good hunter/provider and lover that is safe and gentle with them and the children,
but that does not mean that same male is what they desire for breeding with,
many girls would love to have children from healthy ass-hole males then let a more gentle
comfortably safe kind and caring and productive provider male help raise them.

Of course the female wants you to be honest with them about any defects you may have,
it helps them determine if your desirable or not for breading material,
even a defective female wants more healthy offspring,
so when looking to start a relationship its best if the male never says anything
about being aspie or having any other genetic offsets, when people hear the word
autistic they most commonly think in terms of retardation or defective genes.

So to attract a female to not only breed with but to have as a mate for life
its better to build your self up,
build your self confidence and ego up, you may look ass-hole like now and then but girls like that,
it shows you know what you want and your a survivor, build up your physique, it shows better
levels of testosterone, stay clean and healthy, do not be afraid to show your a male,
wear things and act in ways that show that you feel and think your an attractive and worthy male,
get out and strut your stuff now and then, if you never leave the home or rarely
ever socialize then of course the girls will not get to look you over enough
to decide if they find you desirable or not, and gentlemen, girls DO gossip
about you with friends and co-workers, i have seen this again and again add-nozium,
its almost like they tend to share information with other girls about
whom they find defective or unattractive or think would make a good coupling
with some other girl whom they feel is below their own standards.

for a male to whine about how they feel and stuff is vary unattractive to females,
it makes the men look weak and wishy washy, where its most commonly
acceptable for a female to do, keep clean, most of the girls I have been with
care about how a male smells, they liked the smell of a good healthy male,
and a well groomed male is more attractive to them just as a well groomed female is to you.

always try and be positive, most all girls like someone who will bring them up when they
are sad or down or depressed, not someone who will bring them down, they want someone
who can make them smile or defuse them when they are upset, do not expect them to do
the same for you, they most commonly don't.

and when they get pissy, do not always think its you even when they say it is, first check the time of the month and see if it repeats its self monthly, some girls get really bitchy and sh***y on their monthly, if your trying to get into a relationship then avoid them for about a week around those times, and if your in an active relationship then just do your part and let them have LOTS of space.

And gentlemen penis size does matter, they like the feel of it gently bumping the back deep inside,
but do not worry about that since they wont see it unless your getting ready for the more enjoyable things in life, but what helps turn them on (even if they say it does not) is to let your bulge show in your pants a little, i do not mean a hard-on, just enough to show your masculinity, if you notice most of the ass-holes do this, why? because it works, just telling the female your size or bragging is most generally a turn off to them, but just seeing that bulge a little gets them thinking about sex and how attractive you may be to them, after all you do not want them to like you then tell you they think of you only as a friend like a brother, you do not want to be a brother, girls do not want sex or to mate with a relative.

girls like to be wooed with flowers and things, it not only makes them feel attractive but it also shows your a provider by spending cash on them, sure they will like gifts but if the gift is too extravagant then they may feel that you expect something when they may not be ready yet, so at first they just like the sweet stuff, men was providers all though out the human evolution, so girls are used to and in some ways expect to gain gifts and then not think much of it later, practical gifts are also best, they can use it after your long gone to their way of thinking (if they decide your not worthy of keeping), they are not only used to taking, but it seems to be a natural tendency as if expected, so do not get pissy if you give and do not get eventually, this only goes to show cheep flowers are better at first, or at least dinners and the like that give no actual possessions to them, make them earn the better stuff by showing that your worth their time and affections.

Now, does all this stuff work? hell i been through a few relationships, not all the greatest because I had a lot of observations and experiences to go through but the more i learned the easer it got for me to get into the next relationship and start making them work and last, which is not an easy thing to do for an aspie male.

one of the things I have learned is its best if you start your own home and nest,
if you move into the females home then that empowers them to be the one that wears the pants in the family to the point that they seem to feel they do not have to give or take as much as the male does because they can just boot the male if they tyer of him or it does not seem to be working out well, they become the law of the home, any and all relationships take a lot of hard work to make them last and work out by both people, girls tend to end the relationship more often and sooner then a male, they will work harder on the relationship if its on your own home grounds and they are the ones that would have to leave if it all does not seem to be going well and you would have less to lose.

evolution of our race has took well over half a million years, the instincts can not be changed or erased in just a couple hundred years, sure the mentalities may change according to modern society standards but the courtship standards based on what is found as desirable for a mate and for breeding is hard coded in the DNA.

I would like for you people to input your thoughts and ideas and observations into this thread
dealing with this subject of evolution and sex and mating and romance, perhaps we can help advance some of the social sagging of the aspie instincts of observations dealing with such matters and help clear the air for some, not with just my comments and observations, but make your own as well, perhaps from the females make statements of what you look for and desire and perhaps we can find an evolutionary reason for that point of view that the males can cue off of and make work for them, and from the males the things they are having problems with from lack of understanding and or observations.

Last edited by aspergian_mutant on 12 Apr 2007, 8:34 pm, edited 6 times in total.


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12 Apr 2007, 10:02 am

As of 1998, 19% of women between 40-44 had never had a child regardless of whether they had ever been married or not. That percentage has been rising at a steady rate since 1970.

Most females don't even consider breeding until in their mid-30's now. Before that, they just look at men as potential sex partners.

Most females now won't look at you as breeding material until they are ready to breed, if they ever are. They are conciously aware they can control that with birth control and so they pick who they want to be with, regardless of breeding suitability. A certain percentage don't even care about that when they do choose to breed probably because conciously they think Science can solve most of those problems (and it can in many cases).

NT women generally pick men they think other women find attractive so they will stay part of the group. That decreases with age. It generally peaks in the early 20's. After that they just pick who they want.

So you may actually be really limiting yourself by this. The reason the men you perceive as asses get women is because those women perceive them as having enough pick of women to be fussy about who they want. It's a competition thing. They all want the male who could have anyone. Typically they don't know enough about their physical state to make any breeding determination.

Then there's the whole in love culture. You can pretty much ditch evolution when it comes to that because that is a cultural and mental thing. They think they are in love. That has nothing to do with reality. In love is usually based on the males have traits they wsth they had themselves. So the ability to be an ass and tell someone off or turn many people down, is a trait many of them don't have but wish they did.

Last edited by ZanneMarie on 12 Apr 2007, 9:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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12 Apr 2007, 10:16 am

i agree with that for the most part... but i definitely wouldn't limit some of those behaviors to NT women...

i think the machinery involved in this stuff is kinda way imbedded in our DNA... so i wouldn't put aspies or anyone on the spectrum on such a pedastal

and birthcontrol definitely plays a part... we don't even have to have a period anymore

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Tufted Titmouse

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12 Apr 2007, 1:17 pm

Looks like I'm single for life.


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12 Apr 2007, 2:31 pm

Benway wrote:
Looks like I'm single for life.



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12 Apr 2007, 8:40 pm

my post must have been way too long,
hardly anyone made any note worthy comments except for a couple lady's..

come on fellas tell me about your own observations on this matter,
everyone has had some thoughts on this over the years of their lives I am sure,
we got hundreds of people looking at these posts a day, come on put out people,
come on lady's give some hope to these fellas but lets be kinda sorta scientific about
it from an evolutionary and social stand point.


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12 Apr 2007, 8:45 pm

If you're going to be scientific about it, cite your sources for you views.

Support your thesis.

Thank you.


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12 Apr 2007, 10:38 pm

I'm well aware of this evolutionary thing, and according to Darwin's theory, it's just a matter of time before my gene pool will become extinct. How do I deal with that? I lower my standards to practically rock bottom. After all, girls want the best guy they can find. And with low standards, I will be the best guy a girl can find. And then she will date me. Sure, some of you might say I'm selling myself short, but with my bad looks, I have no right to insist on dating a model-looking girl.

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13 Apr 2007, 1:57 pm

yah exactly dude. we are just animals with brains, look at our closest relatives if im not mistaken they have sex with everyone with no strings attached. its only a problem when your brain gets bigger :D

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Tufted Titmouse
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13 Apr 2007, 6:12 pm

Aspie1 wrote:
I'm well aware of this evolutionary thing, and according to Darwin's theory, it's just a matter of time before my gene pool will become extinct. How do I deal with that? I lower my standards to practically rock bottom. After all, girls want the best guy they can find. And with low standards, I will be the best guy a girl can find. And then she will date me. Sure, some of you might say I'm selling myself short, but with my bad looks, I have no right to insist on dating a model-looking girl.
Are you planning to procreate?


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14 Apr 2007, 1:18 pm

Benway wrote:
Aspie1 wrote:
I'm well aware of this evolutionary thing, and according to Darwin's theory, it's just a matter of time before my gene pool will become extinct. How do I deal with that? I lower my standards to practically rock bottom. After all, girls want the best guy they can find. And with low standards, I will be the best guy a girl can find. And then she will date me. Sure, some of you might say I'm selling myself short, but with my bad looks, I have no right to insist on dating a model-looking girl.
Are you planning to procreate?

If you meant "procreate" as in "have a family", then not for a very long time. But I am planning to have sexual relationships. However, my looks are abysmally bad, so like I said, it'll be with a girl of a similar attractiveness level. The only way I can ever be with a hot girl is by hiring an escort.