Bazinga4 wrote:
I recently joined a dating site but I am a bit cautious.My friend said to me that I should try online dating because it worked out great for her.Well its bit more difficult for me. Some have already asked me to put a picture of myself up already!! and I only joined site a few days ago which makes me worry.
Is it possible to find love online?
Did u have any good/bad experiences with online dating?
I would imagine that a picture is kind of important for something like that. Most people want to see who they might be going out with. Attraction is key. I've never done online dating, that came over a decade after I got married. However, I would imagine that the website can be compared with a bar. You look around, check people out, smile at people who you may be interested in, and approach those you are definitely interested in. Without looking at them, how are you going to know if you want to go out with them and how are they supposed to know if they want to go out with you? Looks are not the most important thing, and putting a picture up doesn't make them the most important thing, but most people will either show interest or exclude someone based on their looks. So, I'd find the best pic you have, and put it up.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.

The link to the forum is