HELL NO. They are always trying to tell you that "Yes you did mean it in some negative way that doesn't even seem like a possible/reasonable interpretation of what you said, even though you LITERALLY JUST TOLD ME what you actually meant by it," and refuse to listen to anything when they are mad. In fact you have to beg to be allowed to merely TALK for so long that by the time they finally allow you to explain or say it, it might not even make sense anymore! Males seems to be worse on this then females, so when you're talking about males specifically it's even worse. There seems to just be this huge problem like they won't believe that anyone can possibly be saying something other then what they think, even though they know they have Asperger's Syndrome and therefore are unlikely to be right in their interpretation of other people! (if there's anyone or the prlerson themselves who disagreed with them). If I have an ASD boyfriend, it's much better for me to have an autistic one. Autistic people are also usually nice in general, and though I highly despise "politeness" (i.e. soccer moms), autistic people aren't doing it cause they're dumb, they're doing it to actually be nice. Asperger's males are nice on the surface too - at least the ones I know and I probably would not go to someone who seems "creepy" but I'm also not dumb enough to think that merely saying "Hi" or talking a lot is "creepy". In fact no creepy person I've met has ever seemed to have any signs of ASD at all. In any case it does not seem like As pies make good boyfriends at all because they argue too much and always insist that you cannot possibly be telling the truth about what you said or meant about something, but of course if the individual Aspire knows how to accept the common fact that LITERALLY ANYTHING A PERSON EVER SAYS ABOUT HOW THEY MEANT SOMETHING IS ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION 99% LIKELY TO BE TRUE BEXAUSE WHO WOULD EVER LIE ABOUT THAT?, ... then they might be much better then my Aspie boyfriends were/are. What is good for the boyfriend though (besides the obvious of being extremely loving, caring, sympathetic, understanding, and caring about you for REAL rather then the not-really-love that most people do or basing it on something stupid like a car or how you look), is the immature one. If you're not "immature" then there's no fun around the person anyway!