Tyl3r wrote:
I have no idea how to. I don't really show much body language usually and have often fancies people and not known how to show it. I mostly fancy more feminine people (usually, though not exclusive people identified as a woman) and the body language is haaaarrrrrrrrrd.
I get afraid of rejection, but I don't have the social skills for subtleties to test the water. I also wouldn't know how to say I fancy somebody.
Any advice?
You didn't state the context so I have no idea what you're really talking about.
If it is love you're talking about then become totally aware. Is she even slightly interested?
Does she use you? Does she talk down to you? Does she belittle you? Does she avoid you?
If yes to the line above then LET GO.
If not... if she doesn't use you, talks nicely, doesn't belittle you, doesn't avoid you, smiles when you talk, seeks you out, and laughs at your jokes then..........
Don't let go, show her your heart, and be 100% honest.