Crushes die. We don't all stay infatuated forever with the same person. Crushes fade away even IF the person might still seem attractive. There's someone I had a huge crush on twenty years ago. I recently found his online profile with a picture of him now. He was 26 when I knew him so he's 46 now. He actually has not changed a bit, physically. He still look the same though more mature. He's still cute.
But I feel nothing. I just think, Wow Chris, you're still a very handsome man!
BUT.....i have no crush anymore.
Reason why? Life. I've been busy. I've fallen in REAL love with other people in the interim, not just crush love that was unfulfilled. I also look back and realize it WAS just a crush. He didn't feel the same back, and he also wasn't really the kind of person that would be good to have a relationship with, for me anyway.
The cold light of reality takes crush feelings away, and there's actually nothing wrong with that. I'll take reality over "Gee but you're still cute!" anytime. I have no interest in him -- that's how you get a dead crush.
And thank christ too, because how would we ever get on with our lives if we go around still full of these crazy feelings for everybody who ever made us look twice?
Life, people. LIfe kills crushes ALL the time and it's a GOOD thing.
Crushes ARE shallow, by definition. And it's not disloyalty for fcks sake, it's reality. It's healthy to let a crush fade and get on with REAL life and finding real love that lasts and is every-day.
THAT'S true loyalty, finding and maintaining real and mutual love. FFS.