hurtloam wrote:
Britain. Most of my female friends are married to men who enjoy making things or learning music, play guitar, drums etc. I've got one friend who is refurbishing a guitar. My brother in law is always making something. Another likes to fix up cars. Some of us are into sewing. But maybe that's just my social circle. We're in our late 20s/early 30s.
It's a circle of married friends with a few other single women. Our conversations revolve around cooking, reading, music and stuff we find interesting, oh and pets. We just sort of met each other over the years introduced new people into the group and we all live in different towns, it's not like I live in a specific area where we all met.
I sympathise with getting the "exasperated expressions of disdain", I was horrified when my old roommate asked if we should get a painter in to decorate. I was like, no lets go to B&Q or Homebase, get some paint, save a bomb and do it ourselves. She was bemused that I would actually be willing to paint a wall. She seemed quiet bemused that I would actually do housework, cook meals from scratch and gardening as well. Some people seem to think manual labour is beneath them.
Sounds like a bunch of Aspies, and maybe that's where the problem lies, Aspies are different from NT's we are deep, independent and have interesting things to do, its not just that NT's find certain Aspie traits difficult to fathom or get along with, its just as much that Aspies would find it hard to have an NT stifling their lives.
If only there was an Aspie sort of dating site, I tried to attract such with my profile but didn't have much joy.
I just painted my kitchen today, before for my new units arrive.
Looks great and I did it all myself