Right now, I'm not looking to "get laid" or any ulterior motive. Right now, I just want a relationship. And I really like this girl.
My friend, as well as the people here, all seem to say to keep things going, even if no romantic relationship ever results. The fact is, we've hung out quite a bit, and there's no doubt that she feels something for me, even if it never grows past a strong friendship
. I can't cast her aside just because nothing romantic ever develops, I just couldn't do that to her. She means allot to me, and I know if I cut things off now she'll feel hurt.
Just get to know her and care for her as a person. Let things take their time.
I was friends with my husband first with NO interest in dating him. I actually told him twice I wasn't interested in dating, and I wasn't exactly nice about it.
I suppose that's what I'll do. I'll keep the friendship going, and hope like hell.
There still may be a chance. Even before she knew I had any interest in her, I heard her mention that she just
doesn't date during the semester. But she
did invite me to something. It's a church benefit, she described it like a prom. She said she was wondering if I'd like to go with her. The thing is, it's almost two months away (literally the day after classes end). I guess that means she still sees us spending time together, and she stills sees herself as single in two months (otherwise she'd have waited to see if there were someone else to go with). I honestly don't know if I ought to read this as
anything more than two friends hanging out. It seems better for me not to get my hopes up again.