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24 Apr 2015, 3:13 pm

Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
Well it does demonstrate that during ovulation, women are more desiring of men they're attracted to making sexual advances on them. And I've had women make sexual advances on me before, actually. Both of those women were borderline. Now it is true that losing your virginity is painful for women, but the more practice they get having sex the more they start to enjoy it. All the women I know who openly like sex have had years of practice with a lot of different partners. Are women out having sex for its own sake the way men are? In 21st century America the answer is Yes. But that doesn't mean that said women are "easy". The fact these women aren't doing it with you or I at the moment doesn't imply that it never occurs or is rare. I really wonder where you live because where I live this practice is pretty common.

I'd give you a counter-example. My wife talked a lot of how she liked sex, but once she understood that I didn't like a lot of sex, she stopped with that as she no longer had to fake interest. You cannot be sure that the women that told you they liked sex did this only because they liked you and that they expected that you required sex from them. Your experiences are simply second-hand anecdotes without any value.


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24 Apr 2015, 3:16 pm

rdos wrote:
I'd give you a counter-example. My wife talked a lot of how she liked sex, but once she understood that I didn't like a lot of sex, she stopped with that as she no longer had to fake interest. You cannot be sure that the women that told you they liked sex did this only because they liked you and that they expected that you required sex from them. Your experiences are simply second-hand anecdotes without any value.

Oh, absolutely. Women talk the talk about sex all the f*****g time. Seriously, most women won't shut up about it, but that's only because they know that's what men want to hear. When it's time to stop talking about it and actually start doing it though... well, that's when the problems start. :roll:


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24 Apr 2015, 3:24 pm

Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
Human behavior is anything BUT rational. And while it may be irrational for women to sleep around and have casual sex with multiple partners, if their partners are male and they are in the reproductive age range, it has the potential to result in BABIES which in turn promotes the survival of our species.

This is not an adaptive behavior in humans. The reason why it isn't is because in the stone age children with single parents were more likely to die, and that wasted reproductive resources for the woman.

Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
Women do become very dependent when they become pregnant and give birth(until their offspring is at least 1 year old) but humans live in groups and even in the most primitive societies there are other people in the group who pitch in to help care for her(and the baby). If the father is out of the picture, quite often her female relatives(or friends) play the role of caretakers. It's very rare for women to raise children from infancy completely and totally alone just because the baby daddy didn't stick around.

This only works if there are plenty of resources. When resources get scarce, the first babies that will die are those that have no daddy, because the group only helps the single mother when they have already provided for their own needs.

Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
And since women cannot physically have as many children as men can and their biological clock is ticking, those who want kids badly enough will try to have as many as their bodies will allow. This practice of course is discouraged among educated women with careers.

The most effective way for a woman in the stone age to maximize her reproductive success was to pair up with a man. Which is why women still prefer this in the "educated West".

Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
That being said, the preference of women for quality of partners and not quantity doesn't mean that they are any more innately monogamous than men. A woman who is already in a relationship with a man who is providing for her has the option of cheating on him to get his seed while her long-term partner will be the one to raise the child. This is FAR more common than people think and it's called cuckoldry. Strangely enough, some guys will date and marry single mothers and help raise some other mans child so long as she gives him enough sex and there's the chance she'll bear his child.

The incidence of cuckoldry has been greatly exaggerated.


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24 Apr 2015, 3:28 pm

Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
That being said, the preference of women for quality of partners and not quantity doesn't mean that they are any more innately monogamous than men. A woman who is already in a relationship with a man who is providing for her has the option of cheating on him to get his seed while her long-term partner will be the one to raise the child. This is FAR more common than people think and it's called cuckoldry. Strangely enough, some guys will date and marry single mothers and help raise some other mans child so long as she gives him enough sex and there's the chance she'll bear his child.

Yes, but that only happens IF the woman cannot secure commitment from the higher-status she cheats with. Studies show that during ovulation, women tended to flirt more with other men but ONLY IF their partner was conventionally unattractive. If their partner was conventionally attractive, then they wouldn't do it. :roll:

Remember, boyos: don't even put your name on the birth certificate before you know for sure the kid is yours.


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24 Apr 2015, 3:35 pm

I see walls of text, this thread is getting hairy.

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24 Apr 2015, 3:38 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
DailyPoutine1 wrote:
I hate the fact that girls only like guys who stick to "masculinity", it makes me wanna kill myself...

If it makes you feel any better, I'm about as far from masculine as it gets, and I've met plenty of women who wanted to sleep with me. I rarely sleep with cis women (usually when I do, they're lesbians, and I feel like a lesbian myself when I do that), but it certainly isn't difficult as a non-masculine non-binary person who's usually read as a guy to find girls who want to.

Most of us guys (the heterosexuals are the majority) are only attracted to cis non-lesbian women.

And Poutine is right, most of them (the cis straight women) like men as "men" - I guess even you are aware of this.
When a guy does anything that is remotely perceived as feminine, the women are the first to negatively comment about it.

For example, I've once entered by mistake a gym class thinking it was something else due to schedule change - it turned out to be belly dancing, once I went there they ALL stared at me and were like jokingly "what are you doing here?" - there's no rule that it's for females only but since belly dancing is perceived as the optimum of femininity then they feel it's wrong for me to be there.
Btw their previous teacher was male, but they told me they perceived him as a woman lol, he was quickly labelled as effeminate gay regardless whether this was true or not.

You don't represent the majority of guys nor you are in their shoes.

I pointed out that i usually sleep with lesbian womem specifically, to demonstrate that i don't go out of my way to make women find me attractive. Many straight women do find me attractive though, and more than a handful have asked me out. I think if you look at the sort of men that many girls have crushes on, from animes and movies, they have some rather feminine qualities.

i'm sure there are many women who want only very masculine guys. In my experience, though i'm sure there are many exceptions, these are often the more traditional amd boring women anyway.


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24 Apr 2015, 3:46 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
I see walls of text, this thread is getting hairy.

Agreed. Incidentally, I'm making garlic butter popcorn (natural stovetop, not the carcinogenic microwave version). I can make extra if you're interested. Goes nicely with heated WP debates.


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24 Apr 2015, 3:59 pm

rdos wrote:
AngelRho wrote:
The problem I have with a lot of the kinds of "be yourself" advice is that, while not terrible advice, it places too much focus on the self. It sends this message of "if I just be myself, everyone will love me," which in actual practice disintegrates into "I'm being myself, ergo everyone MUST love me." Well, when "being yourself" makes you unattractive to others or is off-putting, then this attitude becomes demoralizing. And that's where a lot of frustration, I think, comes from. It leaves us asking ourselves, "what did I do wrong?" Well, that's just it…you focused on being yourself for no one else but yourself. You are interested in YOU and nobody else.

I think you misunderstood that. By being natural you will be attractive to compatible people, which in the case of neurodiversity means you will be unattractive to most people. It doesn't become demoralizing if you understand that it is a compatibility issue rather than a universal success thing. And there is no sense in being attractive to everybody when you can only have one partner, and most of the ones that are attracted to you will end up as big failures if you date them.

Agreed. But I think a wider net enhances the chances you have at finding compatible people. Something else I think is demoralizing is this idea that some have that it has to be a universal success. I favor redefining success, which you likely know from reading other posts of mine. Did I smile at a woman today and she smiled back? Yes? Then I succeeded. We don't have to call it a date if you don't want to. But did we get together over lunch while you told me more about your passion for underwater basket weaving? Yes? Then I succeeded. It's more about that an interaction occurred, not achieving specific objectives of interactions (or placing expectations that they'll be achieved), that I call it good. Even rejection is its own success since one has to make a request to be rejected in the first place. Regardless, every interaction brings you closer to finding someone you're compatible with. Law of Large Numbers.

Of course, it all depends on what your specific goals really are. You have a different view of dating than I do, but we'll probably both agree that a typical NT approach to dating isn't the best course for many of us.


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24 Apr 2015, 4:22 pm

AngelRho wrote:
But I think a wider net enhances the chances you have at finding compatible people.

Absolutely. That probably applies both to if you prefer to find partners among friends or among those you don't know as a wider net means you meet more people of both sorts.

AngelRho wrote:
Something else I think is demoralizing is this idea that some have that it has to be a universal success. I favor redefining success, which you likely know from reading other posts of mine. Did I smile at a woman today and she smiled back? Yes? Then I succeeded. We don't have to call it a date if you don't want to. But did we get together over lunch while you told me more about your passion for underwater basket weaving? Yes? Then I succeeded.

Agreed. I always see a girl that looks a little more than usual in my direction as a success. I don't particularly value verbal interaction or sex, rather I'm more content with the "little things".


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24 Apr 2015, 4:34 pm

Gauldoth wrote:
AngelRho, careful you don't fall for feminism's siren song. Dr. Manginalove and his feminist overlords may CLAIM they want "sensitive, nice guys", but that's only what they CLAIM. In practice, they're first in line to s**t on them like the rest of society. :roll:

Relax, I'm immune to it and above it. I don't hang out with feminists and I don't feel I owe them anything.

Even if I were trying to get dates, which I'm kinda prevented from doing by law ;) , and even if I knowingly asked a feminist out for a date, I'd probably ask her to share her opinion on Judith Butler or some such--or how she feels about Debbie Blabbermouth---oops, I meant Wasserman--Schultz coming out and saying it's ok to abort 7 lb. babies. My approach is that it's not my opinion that matters here. If I'm interested in someone, I'm going to shut my mouth and listen to whatever it is she has to say. It's as simple as that. Doesn't matter that I happen to be a conservative Evangelical Christian who somewhat idealizes the time when the place of women was at home. Where my opinion is going to be important is going to be in terms of is this someone I want to be with long-term. In all likelihood it won't work out. If there's some good chemistry there, I'm not opposed to it. I may not support her views, but I don't think that makes her a bad person. It's possible to disagree and still get along. But I will admit I do have attitudes towards relationships and marriage in which some radical feminist ideas would find themselves at an impasse. I insist on wielding veto power in an otherwise 50/50 relationship. If I don't have the option of saying "I believe this is wrong and I simply won't allow it to happen in my home," I can't be married to that person. I simply won't have it any other way.

That said, however, in actual practice my SO is an extremely bright person and I defer to her judgment more often than not. It's rare for me to put my foot down on something. My wife was well aware of my attitude long before marriage talk was even on the table and somehow she insisted on hunting me down after I broke up with her…TWICE. I like to think if she had a problem with that, she'd have given me some ultimatum a long time ago. The one or two times I've pulled the husband card in 9 years of marriage, it stopped catastrophically bad situations dead in their tracks. If I have anything to feel guilty for, I can live with that. Feminist rhetoric doesn't bother or affect me in the least.


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24 Apr 2015, 5:22 pm

Gauldoth wrote:
Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
That being said, the preference of women for quality of partners and not quantity doesn't mean that they are any more innately monogamous than men. A woman who is already in a relationship with a man who is providing for her has the option of cheating on him to get his seed while her long-term partner will be the one to raise the child. This is FAR more common than people think and it's called cuckoldry. Strangely enough, some guys will date and marry single mothers and help raise some other mans child so long as she gives him enough sex and there's the chance she'll bear his child.

Yes, but that only happens IF the woman cannot secure commitment from the higher-status she cheats with. Studies show that during ovulation, women tended to flirt more with other men but ONLY IF their partner was conventionally unattractive. If their partner was conventionally attractive, then they wouldn't do it. :roll:

Remember, boyos: don't even put your name on the birth certificate before you know for sure the kid is yours.

Being sexually attracted to someone else doesn't mean you actually *like* them or want to be with them long term and in some cases they may not have the means to actually play the role of a father in the child's life.

Also, being "high status" does not automatically equate to sexually attractive nor does it equate to being able to provide financially! Suppose she finds a man who has the means to be a provider but is otherwise unattractive sexually so she trades sex for support and has an affair with a bad boy who turns her on but isn't pleasant to be around except for the sex.

And what studies are these that you are citing? Again, I've encountered women who flirt with men they're NOT attracted to when they're involved with an attractive man. Flirting =/= sexual interest. It is a way for a woman to stroke her ego and feel desirable to other men that are not her partner nor does she necessarily wanna sleep with.


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24 Apr 2015, 5:29 pm

rdos wrote:
Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
Well it does demonstrate that during ovulation, women are more desiring of men they're attracted to making sexual advances on them. And I've had women make sexual advances on me before, actually. Both of those women were borderline. Now it is true that losing your virginity is painful for women, but the more practice they get having sex the more they start to enjoy it. All the women I know who openly like sex have had years of practice with a lot of different partners. Are women out having sex for its own sake the way men are? In 21st century America the answer is Yes. But that doesn't mean that said women are "easy". The fact these women aren't doing it with you or I at the moment doesn't imply that it never occurs or is rare. I really wonder where you live because where I live this practice is pretty common.

I'd give you a counter-example. My wife talked a lot of how she liked sex, but once she understood that I didn't like a lot of sex, she stopped with that as she no longer had to fake interest. You cannot be sure that the women that told you they liked sex did this only because they liked you and that they expected that you required sex from them. Your experiences are simply second-hand anecdotes without any value.

What makes you think that these women *liked* me in that way? A lot of the real life examples I'm giving come from women who had no sexual interest in me nor did I have any sexual attraction to them. One woman was borderline and had a severe drinking problem(intoxication made her incredibly horny and quite sexually aggressive in fact) and was already dating(and sleeping with)someone else. At the time I was in a relationship with another woman and she admitted to me that men who are involved with someone else are more appealing than single men....but iDigress.

As for your wife, she is only ONE person. You yourself are giving an anecdote about the particular woman that you married but this does not prove anything about women in general.


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24 Apr 2015, 5:43 pm

Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
Being sexually attracted to someone else doesn't mean you actually *like* them or want to be with them long term and in some cases they may not have the means to actually play the role of a father in the child's life.

Also, being "high status" does not automatically equate to sexually attractive nor does it equate to being able to provide financially! Suppose she finds a man who has the means to be a provider but is otherwise unattractive sexually so she trades sex for support and has an affair with a bad boy who turns her on but isn't pleasant to be around except for the sex.

And what studies are these that you are citing? Again, I've encountered women who flirt with men they're NOT attracted to when they're involved with an attractive man. Flirting =/= sexual interest. It is a way for a woman to stroke her ego and feel desirable to other men that are not her partner nor does she necessarily wanna sleep with.

More red herrings, you know damn well what I meant by "high-status", you know it's more than just being rich. :roll:

Also, just because women like to act dumb, doesn't mean they actually are. They know damn well the effect their flirts have and the message they send, and generally speaking, they will NOT flirt with a man unless they're genuinely attracted him, or they want to trick him into thinking they are so they can get something from him.

As for the study, it's an old one. I can't find it right now, but I'll keep an eye for it. Still, considering your last cited study was completely irrelevant to the topic at hand and didn't help you prove your point in any way, the ball is still in your quarter. :roll:


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24 Apr 2015, 5:46 pm

Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
As for your wife, she is only ONE person. You yourself are giving an anecdote about the particular woman that you married but this does not prove anything about women in general.

As opposed to the women you SUPPOSEDLY talked to who were all appointed emissaries speaking on behalf of all womankind. And who all also suffered from a mental condition that prevented them from ever lying, even in situations where it would benefit them to do so. :roll:

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24 Apr 2015, 6:08 pm

One thing that is definitely toxic is the current culture of shaming men for wanting to be masculine. Getting closer to my masculine side has helped me through a depression and helped me stabilize my mind. We shouldn't forget who we are biologically.


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24 Apr 2015, 6:58 pm

We developed masculinity over hundreds of thousands of years for a reason, and 100 years of the powder puff life in specific areas ain't going to take that away.