To not look as good as Brad Pitt

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20 Jul 2015, 1:21 am

CateJayne wrote:
the ones in the bottom 5% of looks get given a wide berth because of their looks. It's not right, it's not wrong, it just kind of is.

'That's the way it is' is the worst excuse. It's definitely wrong. The fact that we can't change it doesn't make it better.


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20 Jul 2015, 6:53 pm

I don't want to look like Brad Pitt, I want to look like Van Damme circa 1994.


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20 Jul 2015, 7:08 pm

You guys are being too negative. Brad Pitt is not some God that fell out of the sky. There are actors that aren't attractive, what about them? What girl do you know ever says "Oh my God, Paul Giamatti is sooo hot."? I've learned from personal experience, that in terms of looks, you have to dress with what looks good on you. Find a style that works for you. I think a lot of what is deemed attractive is determined by the media, sadly. That's why there is this whole new craze about skinny men being attractive, luckily that seems to be faded now that more masculine men are being portrayed in more movies. I'm a man, but in terms of who I think is an attractive actor, or was and in my opinion he dwarfs Brad Pitt in every way, is Steve Reeves.


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20 Jul 2015, 7:43 pm

Guess I'm weird,never found him that hot.He's a pretty boy.I prefer to be prettier than the man I'm with.

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23 Jul 2015, 7:53 am

Female Opinion: I have never understood why so many think of him as being attractive. To me his features are boring and generic. The same goes for many of the other celebrity males that everyone seems to go gaga for, like Clooney, or that Gooseling guy who dominates Pinterest. Personally, I prefer a guy with a few quirky features, who's hair is brushed/clean and not longer than his jaw, clean shaven, within a healthy weight range, and appears clean.


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23 Aug 2015, 6:31 am

white_as_snow wrote:
How does it feel for you guys to know that you will never have the same attractiveness as brad pitt-looking guys?
That you can never get a girl's heart beat flips at the sight of you?
Is it not depressing that you can not just squint your eyes and then you will get the women to the bed?

There's exactly one girl who's heart flips at the sight of me... that I can just squint my eyes and get her into the bed. She's the only one whose opinion I care about when it comes to my looks so I'm alright with not looking like Brad Pitt... most of the time. It's only upsetting after watching Fight Club, since I usually spend the next day or two thinking I'm Tyler Durden, until I see myself in the mirror and realize I can't pull off that red leather jacket...


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23 Aug 2015, 8:55 am

white_as_snow wrote:
How does it feel for you guys to know that you will never have the same attractiveness as brad pitt-looking guys?
That you can never get a girl's heart beat flips at the sight of you?
Is it not depressing that you can not just squint your eyes and then you will get the women to the bed?

Now you will surely say that its all about confidence.
Whatever. That's not the point. How does it feel to never be able to get girls to fall just because your face?


Whiteassnow it sounds like you're the one with the problem. I actually like the way look and most girls seem to like my looks as well. I don't measure my worth by comparing myself to movie stars, I've got more way more confidence then that!


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23 Aug 2015, 1:42 pm

CommanderKeen wrote:
I don't want to look like Brad Pitt, I want to look like Van Damme circa 1994.

Right, that dude is shreaded for sure. I'm pretty sure he's natural too doesn't look like he's a juicer. I want muscle definition like that but with a bit more size something more like this Sylvester Stallone, he definitely uses steroids though, doesn't mean he hasn't busted his ass for his figure. Hopefully I can have a somewhat similar figure in 2-5 years...


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Aug 2015, 3:30 pm

sly279 wrote:
Why ? What happens in this 5 years also most 15-18 year olds have had sex and relationships so not sure why you think being a 20 year old dateless virgin is normal.

Because having no experience with and/or totally inept at dating is inevitable, 100% expected and thus "no biggie" at 15 (cuz everybody's clueless and inexperienced when they're that young) and "kind of a biggie" at, like, 40.

Falling to pieces because your 15 yo girlfriend of three weeks cheated on you with your best friend/classmate, dumped you, started dating him and you have to see the happy daily couple every day at school? Normal, expected even. Throw a giant strop in the locker commons? Write something snarky in soap on your ex-GF's car? Sort of amusing to everybody else, may result in a detention and a stern talking to from your parents but, effectively, no biggie because you are also 15 and, well, first breakups suck and the impulse control to NOT write "Suzy is a loser" in soap on her car is still being developed. Pull a stunt 1/25th as inappropriate at 30? Hoo-boy.


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23 Aug 2015, 3:52 pm

PillowSpider wrote:
sly279 wrote:
Why ? What happens in this 5 years also most 15-18 year olds have had sex and relationships so not sure why you think being a 20 year old dateless virgin is normal.

Because having no experience with and/or totally inept at dating is inevitable, 100% expected and thus "no biggie" at 15 (cuz everybody's clueless and inexperienced when they're that young) and "kind of a biggie" at, like, 40.

Falling to pieces because your 15 yo girlfriend of three weeks cheated on you with your best friend/classmate, dumped you, started dating him and you have to see the happy daily couple every day at school? Normal, expected even. Throw a giant strop in the locker commons? Write something snarky in soap on your ex-GF's car? Sort of amusing to everybody else, may result in a detention and a stern talking to from your parents but, effectively, no biggie because you are also 15 and, well, first breakups suck and the impulse control to NOT write "Suzy is a loser" in soap on her car is still being developed. Pull a stunt 1/25th as inappropriate at 30? Hoo-boy.

Um if my girlfriend was sleeping with my best friend then him and that b!tch better watch out, this ain't gradeschool any I'm gonna be burning her car and stabbing his ass!


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23 Aug 2015, 3:58 pm

^ I was only kidding BTW. I would seriously be pissed though, who wouldn't. And I've seen women act more psycho then that over way less then cheating on her with her best friend....yikes most women would probably murder both of them.


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23 Aug 2015, 4:05 pm

My boyfriend looks a bit like Brad Pitt....

I used to be upset that I wasn't beautiful, I always wanted to look like Natalie Portman or Rose Mcgowen, but you don't have to be particularly attractive to find someone. If they like you, they'll think you're gorgeous anyway! :)

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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23 Aug 2015, 6:21 pm

Crazyfool wrote:
^ I was only kidding BTW. I would seriously be pissed though, who wouldn't. And I've seen women act more psycho then that over way less then cheating on her with her best friend....yikes most women would probably murder both of them.

PERSPECTIVE. That's the word I was looking for. The only way to get PERSPECTIVE on relationships is by having them and having them fail (ideally when you're young-ish, so you can get the inevitable freakouts out of your system). To get dumped by the person you thought was the love of your life, be miserable and have the world continue to spin on its axis. Other people will TELL you that you'll be okay after the breakup but you (me) don't believe it without actual, first-hand evidence (still being alive after the breakup). You (me) eventually get to the point that you literally don't remember the ex's last name. And it takes way less long than you'd think (4-5 years).

The self-control to NOT make wild murderous threats, or any threats, and to tell yourself This Too Will Pass requires perspective. To put your faith in What Goes Around Comes Around Eventually (Though Not Usually With A Satisfying Three-Month Turnaround Time). And making wild threats is usually not a felony if you're a dumb, broken-hearted kid but definitely is if you're a legal adult. So my take is that early dating experience (like early work experience) is a GOOD thing -- so you can make the inevitable mistakes when stakes are pretty low.

(I actually had one of my then-BFFs sleep with my then-boyfriend in college. I was heartbroken and livid at HER way more than the guy. The guy didn't matter, one of a zillion over the many years it took to figure out that Hot Alone Is Fun for Maybe Three Months, who was replaced a few weeks later. The friendship I mourned for ages).