Kyle Katarn wrote:
So one day at college I asked a cute girl if I can sit next to her and she giggled as she answered "Why?". I said "Dunno, I just wanna sit here." and she let me.
That giggling of hers makes me think she might like me, so I might have found a bright spot in my dark life. I might talk to her, ask for her Facebook address, invite her to coffee...but I'm not sure. In the meantime I'd have to lose some weight because I'm kind of chubby from all that lonely binge eating. But the main problem is the fact that I'm an aspie.
What do you think, fellow wrongplanetlings, does she like me?
Way too little evidence to jump to a conclusion like that. You just met the girl, so other than finding you physically attractive, she can't know if she's interested in you as a human being yet. I'm not sure what you classify as cute, but if she's reasonably the same level of attractiveness as you, it's not unreasonable to think that talking to her and getting to know her MAY result in something romantic down the track if you hit it off.
I would say that communication is going to be difficult. Not because you're an Aspie, but because you claim to have no interests, hobbies or aspirations. How can you connect with someone if you have nothing to talk about? Nothing to share about yourself? If your life literally revolves around getting a girlfriend, and that's all there is to your being, you're going to wreak of desperation and likely scare women off.
If you really think you need to lose some weight, saying so isn't going to make the pounds come off. You have to scrounge around for the motivation within yourself to get off your arse and make it happen!
If you want girls to be interested in you, it stands to reason that you have to be interesting! What can you bring to a relationship? What would you and your potential girlfriend even do together? What moralistic traits can you bring to the table, and what traits are you looking for from your potential partner? Do you really want a girlfriend for the sake of having a girlfriend, or to appease insecurities you may have about yourself? Do you feel that you would bring value to a relationship? Just a few things to consider.
By the way, what do you mean by 'first move'? Did you start a conversation with her? Add her on Facebook? Ask her out on a date? Ask her to elope with you? What?