ThomasL2 wrote:
androbot01 wrote:
ThomasL2 wrote:
androbot01 wrote:
I am still a little frustrated by the white male dominance on the home page.
Oh don't get me started. I see now there are two doting females on the home page.

No idea what you're talking about.
wth, I'll bite,
Currently on the home page we have Alex supporting brain tissue donation - no problem there.
Then we have Jack Robinson whose chemistry experiment ran him afoul of the law and who is now doing something with internet technology, which I don't really understand, but again - no problem there.
Then there are the 9 Guidelines which are the topic of this thread and offer a number of banal suggestions for dating which could appear in any froth publication - no problem, except for the picture. The doe like adoration of her glance at a man whose face we can't see - heartwarming, not. This by itself is not that annoying, but coupled with ...
...the final entry, Asperger's in Love, becomes irritating. Again it is not the content of the thread that's problematic. Rather, the opposite. The documentary and her review are great for the autistic community. But what's the picture? Another doting woman, this time reaching out with love to a man. At least we can see him this time.
You may see the above as petty, but I view it as quite significant that the only depictions of women at this time on the homepage appear in relation to romance. It's not just the autistic men in Love & Dating, who often seem to think that finding a woman for a relationship will be a cure to all that is wrong with them, but society, as well, too often writes women off as sexual/emotional support and nothing more.
Surely, there must be some autistic women out there who can contribute more than this. I'd stand up, but the best I can offer is a guide to joint rolling. And Temple Grandin's been done to death.
So is there no autistic female who is remarkable for being more than just a woman in love?
Anyway, you asked.