Talk about yourself for a bit
Hi everybody, I'm Silas (not my real name sorry). I find it hard to talk, or write about myself so I'll keep it brief!
I'm 31 and recently realised I am well in the Autistic rainbow, scored 41 out of 50 on the AQ test, more importantly it matches my personaility and already diagnosed OCPD and depression it was the proverbial knocking of the nail on the head. In fact it was my ex-wife who introduced me to it. I've spent the last week with my whole life re-running in my minds eye, the answer to so many of my lifes questions in one little word; autism. I do not plan on getting officially diagnosed because my last bout of head problems it took 9 months just to get an appointment with an NHS comedy quack who said that basically they couldn't help me coz I'm not bi-polar or a danger to anyone! (I live in a mad town and the drug death capital of the UK). I was off work for all that time and more and could not face going through all that again, I found it a very offensive experience.
I'm living on my own in a shared house now, it's cool, but kinda lonely without my lifemate and kids, that's why I signed up to wrongplanet I, making music and drinking is about all else I do...I would really like to chat to other autistic spectrinos.
my name is Milan, was born in central europe (slovakia), but now i live in portugal for almost 5 years, currently working on the final stage of my PhD. i am creating software for computational modeling of the articular cartilage working with some special algorithm. after finishing the PhD i plan on doing post-doc in some other country after which i want to return back to slovakia.
i like doing sports where i can test my limits and being alone at the same time. therefore i do bicycle touring while spending time alone in middle of nowhere. or swimming where i can put on glasses and my head into water and be in my own world with my own untouched thoughts.
i don't listen to almost any music at all. only sometime i get obsessed with some special kind which i listen then in loop for one week and then run it again only very rarely. i had many obsessions. once i've been swimming every day for two hours without break. this kind of sport helps me to overcome the sadness of my lonely life in foreign country. being foreigner means to have almost no friends, specially in portugal and specially for an aspie.
besides that i find life beautiful. i learned how to handle my disabilities quite well, with few exceptions when people find me strange because sometimes i say socially inappropriate things and don't understand why it is so big deal for them.
I'm a married, 27 year old female with undiagnosed AS. I have varying obsessions, but my staple obsession since I was a child is Christianity. I think of it in terms of philosophy and anthropology more than in terms of religion, but that is not to say I do not believe it. I think belief in God is intentionally strictly non-rational and counter intuitive but not irrational. I have a BA in philosophy. Of course having Christianity as an obsession has worked in my favor because I am not aloud to talk about it with people when I meet them because it isn't polite . . . or so I've been told. Therefore, I've been forced to learn some handy social and conversational skills. It's funny, in high school they actually made a "most likely to" category for me because of my obsession and because I seemed somewhat asexual, MOST LIKELY TO BECOME A NUN! I have wanted to become a priest on occasion, but I believe with my AS personality type that I wouldn't end up being a very good one so I'm thinking of taking up piano tuning.
Hello, I go by the name of 5. I am considered a neuro-typical, although I flirt with lack of seratonin and anxiety problems. I have traveled all over the top half of the Western Hemisphere and the European part of the Eastern Hemisphere. I knit, crochet, read and do art in my spare time. I have two gorgeous tortoiseshell cats.
In brief: I'm 44, I'm single, I work in the Correspondence department of a local public utility company (people write to us by fax, mail, or e-mail, I'm in the department that gets to deal with it). Interests include movies, science fiction, astronomy, science fiction movies, cats, cheesy old B-movies, computers, and travel. I listen to a variety of music types, but I have a preference for Industrial, Techno, EBM, and Synthpop; I also have a fondness for 1940's Big Band music. I prefer Pepsi over Coke. I live alone; I own my own home. I figure where I've gotten to now at age 44, I could have accomplished 10-15 years ago (at least) if I had been NT...
"Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps." -- Emo Philips
Well, the subject said a "bit". Doubt I can manage that.
Anyhow, my name's Eric and I reside in Clanton, AL. I moved to this backwater stretch between Birmingham and Montgomery back in April. I'm 29, married, have 2 stepkids and am living in a rented single wide. One of 6 that some a*hole had the notion to arrange on this piece of wasteland in a crude circle facing one another. If you step onto the front deck you are looking right across at someone. I hate that. It doesn't help that the lady that manages this place sits watch on her deck half the day with her poodle with painted nails. Might I mention she's the 'neighbor' facing directly at us. My heart sinks every time I pull the corner into this place. Hope we can change things soon. We lived near Birmingham before this and about all I can say is the air is indeed fresher here. Long story that I won't go into now on how we arrived here. But I'll just say it had to do with my wife getting a promotion to a Montgomery location.
Anyways, not to sound like a dating site tagline but what the hell. I'm 6'1, hazel eyes, just shy of 200 lbs. Got dark blonde hair, wear (on average) size 11 shoes and 34/34 jeans most days. I spend most of time figuring how I can hide from society just a little longer and maintain the profession of family man.
My wife's an extrovert. Big personality loved by everyone that probably secretly wonder how she became attached to me. But the night we met alcohol was involved and I guess she saw an actual human being to be attracted to. 6 years later we're still hanging in there even after the hangover was over.
Until last week I worked as a route sales driver for a local potato chip company. Doesn't sound like a good line of work for an Aspie drub does it? It wasn't. I enjoyed the freedom of a boss looking over my shoulder. But the large social aspect of the job wore me down and eventually people either gave up on me. Gave up by deciding I was just plain weird, an as*hole, a stuck up, whatever. Didn't hurt that the non-air conditioned truck I drove was little more than a rolling box oven. One day I just said f*ck it. I called in and told them no less than "I was done" and quitting. The job had really started affecting my personality in general. As storeworkers and co-workers began to passively exclude me I started losing it. I felt more and more alien and it reflected in the relations I had to carry on with these people on a regular basis. Stressed and miserable, my homelife suffered (which has been a stress in itself) and I would come in and, saying little, retreat to the bedroom where I would spend the rest of my evening mostly in solitude. Spent last week just bumming out and my mood has improved ten fold. Relations with my wife and kids have improved and I feel 'human' again if still seperate from the flock. Won't be long though until I start stressing over a new job I guess. So I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
I had read about Asperger's before. But I must have missed something. I'd ravenously devoured every bit of info I could find on personality/mental disorders and I'd settled on something between Schizotypal and Schizoid. But I was looking for answers again over my uneventful last week and Wikipedia opened my eyes. This was it! This is who I am! And after I followed the link to I was confirmed. Then I read posts. Wrote posts. Yes! I have a name for my demon now and oh how much better I felt for it.
I'm pleased to be here. Pleased to communicate with you all. I feel there's hope again.
That's all.
Me! Me! Me!
Ok I guess I'm getting "egocentric" (That's what my mom accuses me of all the time)
Anyways on here I guess I can get away with it. Soooo, I'm 27 years old, a female lesbian virgin (Yeah try to figure that one out, lol!! !) I was diagnosed with Asperger's in 2002 after a school lifetime of freakin' hell!! I also have ADD and Bi-Polar II disorder. I am also hearing impaired. What a combo!
I have always, all of my life felt that I didn't belong in this world and even entertained the thought that I might be alien. I even had a fantasy a few years ago that there was some hidden alien DNA in our family line.
I'm on disability and I live with my father, housing is very difficult right now for people in the low income brackets. So I am not the exception. I have worked before but always ended up getting fired or quitting.
I have alot of interests, both of which I categorize into two main lists:
Long era interests and short era interests
My LE interests are: politics, religion, theology, the Great Lakes (does that even make sense?)my hometown (and I really don't care for it that much.)and God knows what else but I can't think of any at this time.
Some of my SE interests are: meteorology, chemistry, (I suck at math though) X-Men's Storm, Los Angeles, New Orleans (Like I said, doesn't that even make any sense at all?)Haitian Vodou for the time being, who knows how long that's even going to last. Can't think of any else right now though.
Some of my dislikes: Sausage, can't stand the texture, especially if you get one of those "hard" things, :gag: Scratchy textiles, High pitched noises, loud noises, light in my bedroom when I am trying to sleep,(I wear a blindfold) flickering TV light or any other flickering lights, anyone startling me, anyone touching me and playing around with me to get me mad like my dad does to me, crowds, fleece textiles, the feel of a chalkboard, defenately have a fear of balloons. Oh and ceiling hooks or any hooks at all,watching TV in the dark, eating food in the dark, I absolutely have to have light on my food. My bed and/or sheets being "off." Chalk.
Some of my likes: Food that has good taste and texture. Cotton textiles. Slimy or squishy stuff (explains why I like to make meatloaf, lol) Clay. Tangy juices. Greasy foods, the feel of the grease on my lips. Some of my ringtones. Driving, (Sometimes) Music.
Some hobbies of mine: Surfing the web, drawing, writing, (if I can manage it) sitting in my bedroom staring at my blanket's pattern and making up movies and stuff in my head with one of my current obsessions, sewing, reading, watching TV.
Some of my favorite shows: House, Heroes, WifeSwap, Star Trek when it was on.
Movies: Aeon Flux, Jurassic Park, (the first one, had a thing about dinosaurs then) The Island, Harry Potter, UltraViolet, X-Men, Star Trek all of them.
Speaking of Star Trek, my favorite characters:
I'm not into the TOS that much but..
TNG: Picard, Worf, Deanna Troi.
DS9: Sisko, Worf, Dax, (Ezri and Jadzia and Kira
VOY: B'Elanna Torres and Seven of Nine.
Whew!! ! I think that's enough about me!
Wow. How do I top that?
Anyway. I'm 37 years old and that rarest of birds, a California native. I've been married for 8 years to the woman I call the Supermodel ('cause she looks like one) and am the father of two: Charlotte the Genius, Queen of the Teddy Bears (age 5) and Sean, the Giggle Prince (age 3). And yes, I really am a novelist ... though not a published one. Yet. All things in due time. In the meantime, I work as an office drone, usually through temp agencies (I'm Wally from "Dilbert," but with more hair.)
Let's see, what else? 5'11" (180 cm), 220 lbs. (100 kg) but should be 190 (85 kg). Caucasian, brown hair, hazel eyes, thick glasses, rubber face, long "monkey" arms, huge hands, big feet and stiff ankles. Part Italian, part German/Jewish/Dutch/English/etc. Longtime Democrat who finally gave up a few years ago, and might look into the Libertarians. Theological training with the Assemblies of God, but now an independent "evangelical, fundamentalist, Pentecostal whatever-you-are" (to use Frank Peretti's wonderful phrase); the Supermodel and I are looking at starting a house church. Like baseball and basketball, and sometimes football; don't like American football (you know, the kind they play wearing armor like a bunch of nancies) or NASCAR (400 miles with the left blinker on)
Favorite things:
Books: Science-fiction, history, baseball, basketball.
Music: Christian rock, some classical.
TV: pretty much none - who wants to watch other people do stuff when you could do stuff yourself?
Movies: ditto.
Food: yes. Okay, except beans or mayonnaise.
Humor: British stuff, puns, plays on words.
If you could be any tree, what tree would you be? -- Almond. I like to be productive.
Favorite authors? -- Bill James (see below), Frank Peretti (see above), Spider Robinson, Robert Harris, Michael Chabon, Donald Miller
Most beautiful woman in the world (that you're not married to)? -- Norah Jones.
Place you'd most like to live? -- San Diego. Stockton is 100 miles inland; I'd want some coastline.
What's in your CD player right now? -- Car: The Eleventh Hour, Jars of Clay. Home: Erace, Gotee Brothers.
Hidden talent? -- I can imitate someone playing an electric bass.
Favorite drink? -- Hawaii's Own pineapple/starfruit juice. (I can't do alcohol -- trick metabolism.)
Who would play you in a movie of your life? -- Jon Heder, but he'd have to put on weight for the role.
Thing you'd most like to see before you die? -- The San Francisco Giants winning the World Series.
Did I miss anything?
"I write because I am one of those people who ... must use words to get across things that other people would never need to say." - Bill James
My name is Jan.
I'm a 28 year old male (29 on thursday), born and bred in Limburg, Belgium.
I'm considered by most to be computer geek (when they need me), socially ackward (when they rather see me leave) and a know it all (when they can't win a discussion).
I'm 1m83, between 85 and 90kg's (depends on time of year :p) muscular built, white skin that turns pink whenever I do anything physical, red when I get in touch with one of the gazillion things I'm allergic to and a nice brown when I get some sun.
I have blonde hair in summer, brown in winter (if my hair sees some sun it turns high blonde) and according to a girl I once knew, the most beautifull, deep and clear set of green eyes (she was pissed at me because I didn't look into her eyes before that ..).
I'm what people call an atheist, not just because I don't really believe in an allmighty creator, but also because to me everyone is equal, even aliens of higher technology, intellect and spiritual awakening, animals in the wild and gods in the heavens and if I ever had to met the smuck that mans the post of almighty creator, I'd beat his ass down to earth so he could experience first hand how much he messed up down here.
My Favorite things:
Books: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Detective novels, Horror, extensive technical manuals for electronics and mechanical devices.
Music: Most everything ranging from Classical music to Edith Piaf right down to current day Rap, Hip Hop, Dance, Trance, Hardcore, Metal and Rock, I have a music collection of about 19000 MP3's (yeah, most of them are legal and the ones that aren't aren't because I couldn't find the CD or record to buy).
TV: I don't watch TV itself, but do follow several series. These include CSI, CSI:Miami, CSI: NY, Bones, Supernatural, Crossing Jordan, Boston Legal, Criminal Minds, Dresden Files, all Stargates, all Star Treks (except TNG which I hated), DragonBall, DragonBall Z, Dragonball GT, Bleach, the Gundam series, Hunter X Hunter, Top Gear, most National Geographic programs and many more. Because I just can't wait for them to show up on belgian TV, I usualy download them, some of them aren't even on tele here.
Movies: Most if not all Wuxia, Action, Sci-Fi, Fantasy and comedy movies, but, usualy just the first 5 minutes of them, at which point I either stop watching or continue all the way trough (and sometimes rewatch the same movie a douzen times) not many movies these days get my attention to be watched in full.
Food: Love eathing good food and love making it, not in big quantities and I very much dislike fat, sause and salt in food.
Humor: Depends, I can love certain types of raw slapstick, but can hate it just as much, I usually love social observation and commentary type of stuff.
If you could be any tree, what tree would you be? A Seqoia (sp?), gigantic and majestic.
Favorite authors? Kahlil Gibran, Stephen King
Most beautiful woman in the world (that you're not married to)? Charisma Carpenter
Place you'd most like to live? South Pole (I like to be alone :p) or as a student with Tibethan Monks.
What's in your CD player right now? Nothing, I play MP3's and my current playlist mainly has my favorite songs from The Who, Within Tempation and The Rolling Stones
Hidden talent? I can write more unreadable then most docters :p
Favorite drink? Cofee
Who would play you in a movie of your life? I can't think of anyone that looks quite like me, Rutger Hower maybe in his younger days, but hes to old to play me now.
Thing you'd most like to see before you die? Mankind joining the Galactic Community.
Hi. My name is William, I'm 23 1/2 years old, and I live in the western suburbs of Sydney, Australia. I haven't been officially diagnosed, but after my sister did some research into Asperger's recently, she thought it likely that I have it, and having done some more research on my own, I'm about 90% sure that I do. About 9% of the remainder is probably due to insecurity and self esteem issues left over from constant bullying from the vast majority of my classmates during the period of about 4th grade all the way through to 12th grade, when I changed school for the 4th time (not including the move from primary school to high school). I had no friends in school for most of my time there.
My fixation is on fantastical worlds and/or abilities. This also encompasses science fiction. I have long been aware that this is probably a form of escapism, however it is also a genuine interest. When I was 6 years old I started reading adult level science fiction and fantasy books, and I've never really stopped . One incident which I don't recall, but which I overheard my mother tell someone a few months ago, was that I was holding a book and running my finger along the lines, and she told me that that wasn't reading. My response was apparently to tell her who the main characters were, what they were like, and a summary of the plot thus far. She understandably left me to it after that
. This fixation also extends to computers (since computer games generally involve such fantastical worlds) and computer programming (primarily games programming), and in more recent yearsAnime (I've even been involved in Fansubbing since late last year) and Dungeons and Dragons.
I've been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints my entire life.
The first main problem that I have is that I'm a perfectionist, and I tend to not start something unless I'm sure I can do it right, which, combined with a low self esteem, means that I only actually do things which are far below my actual ability. I'm also far more comfortable doing tasks with which I am already familiar, and will double, triple, and quadruple check that I'm doing a new task correctly.
My second main problem is that at some point early on in my life I categorised home time as relaxation time . So whatever homework/assignments/anything else which I was given to do at home either got done at the last minute (resulting in a less than perfect job, fuelling my self esteem problems), or, more frequently, didn't get done at all. Despite this, I somehow managed to get through school.
My third main problem is, of course a complete, total, and utter lack of social skills (Slight exaggeration... maybe ). Put me in a room with someone, even an old friend or family member, and if they don't start talking, the room will be silent, and I'll be feeling more and more awkward all the time. I can, at least, respond if someone else starts talking, and can keep a conversation going, but I can't do 'small talk' at all. There has to be a topic, and it will usually have to be the other person who picks it. I even feel awkward calling up businesses and asking about their products. Needless to say, I've never had a girlfriend, though I hope to someday (soon) find someone... somehow.
From this list of Asperger's characteristics, I have, or have displayed in the past, the following (to varying degrees):
1. A, B, C1, C2, D, E (6/6)
2. B, C, D, E, F, G, H (7/11)
3. A, B, C, D (4/4)
4. A2, B, C (3/5)
5. A, B, C, E, F (5/6)
6. A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I (8/9)
7. A1, A2, A3, A4, B (5/6)
8. A, C, D, F (4/6)
9. A1, A2, B (3/6)
10. A, B, C, D, E (5/5)
Overall (50/64)
Which is precisely 78.125% of a list which comes with the note that no one person will have all of them.
I also have a condition called Paroxysmal Kinesigenic Dyskinesia, and I'm unsure if there's any link between that and AS, or if would count for 4A1 on the above list. Additionally, I have poor eyesight, being slightly longsighted in my left eye, and legally blind in my right eye. As such, I have never had true stereo vision or ordinary depth perception, so I can't say for sure whether my poor ability to catch a ball is due solely to eyesight, a combination of that and practice (or to be more specific, lack thereof), or whether I also have 4D to some degree. And to round off my list of physical maladies, I also have asthma.
Yesterday is time spent,
Tomorrow is Hope's rent,
But Today is a gift,
And that's why it's called The Present.
My name is Larissa,female, 19 years and live in Arkansas. I have red hair (at the moment) and hazel-ish eyes. I am working in a pizza place right now...I haven't decided on whether or not to go to college (I know "I should") because I don't want to go through the whole process...having to move to a completely different locale (mainly) and trying(keyword here) to make friends, etc. I'd much rather stay in my little box (efficiency apartment) and go to work everyday. Strangely enough, I'm my families' "problem child"...every few months or so I'll do something to get into trouble (move in with the wrong people, accidentally write hot checks...stuff like that)...I still don't understand that completely myself. I guess a lack of common sense. But I'm also the first "adult" female child (one cousin, male, who's older) so that's probably subject to change.
Both my brother and my dad have asperger's, both of them being diagnosed with it. I haven't "officially" been diagnosed....They went to see a counselor that I'd been seeing for other reasons (see below), and she made a comment about how that "explained" me....whatever that means exactly...and said that I have it to some degree...again, whatever that means...I'm assuming "not quite as much as brother and father...but still have it"
I also hate's never been "properly" explained to me and I usually ignore "things" of that manner that confuse me. I prefer reading and listening to music.
I have no car, and (also) prefer to spend my free time in a coffeehouse, when I decide to get out of the house, besides to work. As a result, I hardly ever sleep (^.^) (<---kitty faces, also: <.> >.> <.< <.^ and ^.>)
I'v had 4 different "homes" in the last year...two of the places were where people needed me 4 money...... . My mother past away 3 years ago, and father and I didn't get along well enough to live I went to live with an aunt, and then moved and moved again and now I'm living alone (which makes 4)...I guess I have a problem getting along with other people. It's mostly that I get confused and confused and more confused about someone's general habits and expectancies and the suchlike, that I tend to explode and that usually results in an arguing match (and then I "run away")...but not before: I try to explain what I'm talking about (which usually results in long-winded explanations like this entire post, but with extreme sarcasm) but people still don't "get it"...and I also like having the last word in most cases. I also have a younger sister. Whom I usually hafta call to explain things to me and to translate. She acts older than I.
yadayada..what else?
I have 4 hermies. They are usually quiet and don't need me much.
And yes, I'm extremely fond of "" 's, ()'s, and .....'s when typing and talking.
I can't think of anything else. (<.<)(>.>)

Joined: 28 May 2007
Age: 69
Gender: Female
Posts: 2,829
Location: One f?tid lair or another.
The oft-heard catchcry "I always knew I was different!" is true for me. It was my terrible luck to be born female (where "shy and retiring" is permitted, nay, rewarded!) and about thirty years too soon for anyone to notice the off-kilter, much less intervene.
In childhood I avoided considerable amounts of humiliation because I was too busy reading - fiction, nonfiction, any darn thing. Scorn? Mockery? Disapproval? I noticed nothing. Then puberty reared its ugly head. Whoosh! Welcome to the hormone rollercoaster! Mood swings and brain snaps; embarrassing gaffes in mixed company; blindness to interactional cues, be they overt or subtle; industrial amounts of alcohol to survive social events.
I blamed many, many, many things. My parents, my mother especially. Patriarchal capitalism. Environmental allergies. The phases of the frickin' moon. At age 30 came a flash of insight: I lack empathy with other people! (And how horrific is that? To realise this about oneself? Damn.) Even then I knew this couldn't be the whole story, but in that moment, enlightenment began to dawn.
When Asperger tales began to appear in the popular media, they rang no bells. I'm a middle-aged mum, for pity's sake! You don't see me in a anorak skulking around railway stations, now do you? But the more I looked past the stereotype, the more I saw myself. I began to read: Barbara Kirby, Tony Attwood. Shocks of recognition on every page; yes, that's definitely me they're talking about!
Though I find the Asperger model a snug fit, I've not yet had the urge to seek a formal diagnosis. For my own amusement, I take the "Are You One?" quizzes, and tick the boxes on the "Could You Be?" checklists. I tally up the scores. And then I laugh out loud at my stubborn neuro-UNtypicality.
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 27 May 2007
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Posts: 27
Location: Oulu, Finland
Hi! I'm a 17-year-old male called Lauri Hirvisalo and I live in a beautiful Northern country of Finland.
My prime interests have changed quite a few times. Currently they are biology, paleonthology and genetics. It takes around a year or so to change to something completely different, as has happened always before.
In recent years, it is the need for life partner that hasn't shown any signs of decrease. Instead, it has only got more painful because there is hardly any chance that any girl would like to be with me (yes, I know I've constantly being described as "handsome" but that isn't the case). I am distinguish from being "the only gentleman in my kin" but it is the asociality and couragelessness in making initiatives that are the real problems.
I have one hobby: singing in a boy choir. My voice type is 2. bass. and in phone it is easy to mistake me for much older man.

Joined: 28 May 2007
Age: 69
Gender: Female
Posts: 2,829
Location: One f?tid lair or another.
Onnittelut Lauri! I was curious to know what your sig says. Online Finnish-English translation tools weren't much help. But now I can say "testicles" in Finnish, ha ha!
Recently I read an online article called "The Geek Syndrome." It claimed that men and women who have jobs in information technology and related disciplines are finding mates and starting families in a way that never used to happen before. I thought that was a good thing. Marriage, children, all part of life, right? It went on to say that these unions are producing a greater-than-average number of severely autistic children. I don't know whether any of this is true, but the idea of finding your One True Love "hacking PERL scripts in the cubicle next to you" seemed pretty sweet to me.
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