An example: I would like feedback on what code of conduct do members think would be appropriate for this kind of sexist generalised offensiveness:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=251224IMO it is an offensive slur aimed at all female members of WP, and I think there will have been male members who also found it offensive for the same reason. It is untrue, unfair, impolite, hurtful and.. was tolerated. Women members generally show more restraint - or at least I haven't yet seen a thread by one claiming that all men on the spectrum are ugly/overweight/weird, and I can imagine quite a fierce response if there was one.
To me it seems there is a double standard going on in L and D that has become a bit entrenched and it needs to change.
Posters who think that prefixing the words "no offence but" allows them to then make offensive sexist generalisations are being disingenuous, because they know it is offensive and are trying to circumvent reproaches for being offensive.
There was one asking if aspie guys were obese neck beards or something along that line