I only realized this quite recently, and before that it took me about 6 months to figure it out, but love and dating is my biggest special interest.
Every single day for several hours I use the internet to look at love and dating related things.
From personal experiences in a variety of places and forums, to tips and advice, to approach videos and social experiments. Aspie or N.T. alike.
This is one of the only things I actually use the internet for, and a few other things like socializing with friends on social media and catching up with news and current events, and looking for new music. And sometimes reading philosophy/history/etc.
Either way, it's gotten to the point of massive obsession.
It's strange - sometimes I do feel miserably lonely and depressed, but not as much as you'd think.
A lot of the time I look at these experiences, study these videos, and learn from them. I don't feel negative, but neutral about them, or even uplifted and inspired to try out this stuff myself.
I'm channeling that energy to actually prepare myself when I do go out there into the world.
All the time I have ideas running in my head of what sort of techniques and skills I will implement, crafting the perfect dating profile for myself, etc.
I don't focus on it 24/7, I do have my own other hobbies and interests and spend my time doing other things, of course.
But this almost always takes a big chunk out of my day, and I'm just not sure if it's a 'good' thing, a 'bad' thing, or even just a 'neutral' thing.
Of all things I could be self-studying, it had to be this.