SabbraCadabra wrote:
Magthidon wrote:
Why force yourself to not stim? Embrace who you are!
lidsmichelle wrote:
Stimming is considered unprofessional by a lot of people, they think it means you aren't interested in what they're saying. That's why I try to reign it in.
Also, depending on what your stim is...let me try to put this politely: people will think you are super weird.
I have some stims that I think are innocent enough, or maybe things I do that I don't notice, but I get very self conscious if I start rocking in public.
Magthidon wrote:
Also, eye contact isn't that important. As long as you look at the person most of the time, things are fine!
In my experience, this is not true at all, especially if you're trying to get a job, or trying not to look creepy.
If you're looking at a person, but not at their face, what are you looking at?
I always feel like that's dangerous territory.
GeekChic wrote:
Although it is not considered gender normative, I have certainly known men who wore heels!
Don't get me wrong, I think a lot of gender stereotypes are silly; I just can't imagine that heels would be a good look for me.
Maybe high-heeled boots or something like that? But I don't want to look like I'm self-conscious about my height =)
Who cares if someone thinks you're weird? There's probably something that they do that you'd think was completely weird. Everyone is weird in their own way. Embrace who you are rather than pretend to be someone you are not. If someone has a problem with that, then they obviously aren't someone you'd want to associate with anyways.
Also "If you're looking at a person, but not at their face, what are you looking at?"
Well, I like to look at their nose, I like to look at the environment if I haven't been in it before. For instance, I just had a job interview at a call center that handles customer service calls for DirecTV. On the walls of the interview room were posters for all kinds of shows for all kinds of different packages. Obviously if the person has sound flowing from their mouth, you should try and look them in the eyes, but they wouldn't be able to tell if you were looking just below their eyes, or just above their eyes. If I'm not in an interview, I like to look wherever the hell I want because I can prove to someone that I am actively listening to them without having to look at them. If they find it weird that I don't want to stare deeply into their eyes, I would have to tell them how weird it is for someone to stare deeply into the eyes of a stranger. We barely know each other, slow down there. I'm not out on a date with you! There are other ways to show you are interested in what a person is saying simply by body language. If your body is pointed towards someone, it shows interest, regardless of where your head is pointed. Also, repeatedly answering their questions and communicating with them shows interest, especially if you use the right vocal intonations.