Canary wrote:
Disappointing. I feel like people see it as a challenge to get a relationship, get sex, and then once they have it they just get bored of it or feel like they can let the more assertive partner handle everything for them.
I'm scared of giving in "too easily" because I don't want to feel like I'm not appreciated or am no longer exciting, and to have someone I love no longer try so much to make time for me. If the woman initiates sex, cuddling, and time together, why should the man bother to do it or spend more energy on the relationship than he has to in order to get that?
I know it's an unhealthy attitude to have. It's just always been my experience, and I want someone who treats me the way I treat them.
I feel the same way, I had a moment of doubt with one girl - but then my stance was confirmed. Tired of fickle people trying to use me, not even bothering to find out who I am (I could be a bad person or be a massive slut with 6 partners of various sexes and be the fount of several sti's within the city!).
Then again, others simply write me off early. So I guess there is nothing worthy in my mind after all
As for you others talking about fast metabolism. Based on my observations many men are slim when they are young (<25).
Recently I sold all of my weights collection. I no longer need them, walk lots, in preference to bus. The main key is 12 chin ups 5 days a week. I could have gotten larger with the weights, but I don't want to and it would have a bit uncomfortable in my shirts. Presently I'm starving (not by choice), and I'm happy to say the muscle has for the most part remained - stopped doing chin ups, too busy.
I'll resume once my financial/food situation improves.