runescapian wrote:
I lost the love of my life due to me being an idiot and idk if i will ever get her back. All this time i was blaming her without realizing just how big a part i had in the downfall of everything. I could have done way better to say the least and i am ashamed of some of the things i said afterwards. She was amazing and i didn't deserve a girl like her and it kills me inside to know that i screwed it up all because i was an idiot. I really hope to god that someday i see her again and she gives me another chance. I just want to be with her so badly and to be the man that she deserves. I try to believe that maybe this is all for a greater purpose and that eventually when we are both ready we will be back together someday... I can't bear to think that I screwed up my only chance with her. It has been almost 4 months since we broke up and i still love her and always will, no matter what my stupid brain makes me think at times.
though i may be understating it, often it proves hard to really look at yourself and at the consequences of your actions and words in the moment of an argument...or any conflict really.
i bet if we were all conscious of this at all times, there would be less arguments. though that may be asking a lot. but i don't know what happened between you and her.
i have experienced a situation like yours some years ago, the main difference being that we never officially "got together' and i was beating myself not merely for losing her, but for losing her before i realized her true intentions with me, realize them too late. but the message to myself was the same, I WAS A f****n' DUNCE!
though that experience was nevertheless, pricelessly valuable to me as it imparted unto myself critical lessons about communication timing...hell relationships in general...i would't have real relationship number one if it weren't for utter failure number one. but i guess that's the way it is with most things?
this is growth, and i can tell you are a good person and deserve a second chance with someone else based on your introspection and realization of mistakes (whatever they may be). sadly, many people never get this far and end up soiling relationship after relationship, in a cycle, naught learning
fear not!! !
runescapian wrote:
imhere wrote:
Wishing her back is never ever going to do anything. GO CONTACT HER AND REPEAT TO HER EXACTLY WHAT YOU WROTE HERE. DO IT NOW.
I did, multiple times. She never responded :/
i also did this with the aforementioned former LO once, after i realized what was happening no response.
maybe they want to move on. maybe they have no words.
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