how do girls signal interest?

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18 Sep 2017, 5:18 pm

hurtloam wrote:
Closet Genious wrote:
hurtloam wrote:
Once upon a time before modern conveniences a woman would have had a lot to do at home unless she was rich and hired servants, but they were not the majority.

But the average woman would have had a lot of physical work to do at home. So she wasn't freeloading.

We haven't adapted well to new circumstances weirdly. People just want more and more and bigger and better. People who are satisfied with a simple life are spurned as weirdos.

Just gotta find another person who isn't materialistic to be your partner.

It's more than gender roles. It's a commercialised advertising industry. The whole system is geared towards making people dissatisfied with what they have.

MGTOW philosophy doesn't seem to have a solution to that other than to make women as exhausted as men as they run on the corporate treadmill to seek more and more.

Maybe it's because culture is a by product of our biology, and not the other way around, that's why we don't adapt, or maybe even can't adapt. That the advertising industry should play such a huge role on our mating strategies sounds like an absurd theory to me, and not at all plausible. It seems to me we're just dancing around the elephant in the room at this point, which is biology.

I have to give credit where it's due, I take my hat off to wanderlust. Not only does
she understand how mating actually works, but she has been very open and honest aswell. Look, I totally get why this discussion angers alot of women. I can only speak for myself, but I am not in any way out to harm women or anything like that.

But I think what we've uncovered here, is that the way men and women "love" is completely different. And in my estimation this will not ever ever change. MGTOW is the answer because it advocates that men should choose to follow their heart, instead of slaving away at a job they hate, even if the consequence is that they may not be able earn enough to attract a female.

Previous generations lived much more simple lives. They didn't strive for SUVs and iPhone's for example. We don't need these things but we're bombarded with advertising for them and people fall for it. They really do. Men and women.

When all the working classes were doing similar jobs like miners and factory workers it was probably easier to find a compatible partner because your wife would expect you to stay in that job like all her friend's husbands were staying in their miner for life/factory worker for life type jobs.

No but they had things that were new and people wanted. Microwaves, sewing machines, horseless wagons etc. been this way for a while.

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18 Sep 2017, 5:20 pm

Just thought I'd put in my 2 cents on the whole "biology" thing: Yes, it's all about biology, but no, it's not as simple as some of you seem to think. Biology is heavily influenced by environment (see gene expression for a solid example). Advertisement and marketing are huge influences on modern human behavior. Big companies have been known to hire psychiatrists and other medical experts who specialize in addiction, fear response and/or neuro-cognitive sciences for their marketing departments so they can better manipulate our behaviors (and make us buy more garbage :P ). These manipulations are creating ridiculous amounts of anxiety that our ancestors never knew (altho one might argue they had their own anxieties, like "is the plague going to murder my whole family next week"). These new anxieties are the driving force behind this new paradigm between opposite sex humans.

To say modern relations between male/female humans is purely the result of biological drive is to oversimplify a very complex psychological notion. Gender roles are not changing as a result of evolving biology (the human genome is believed to have been stable for roughly 50k years and could only "evolve" as the result of mass extinction which would leave certain specific mutants behind (yes, oppressed gingers, you may one day rule the world :D )), they are changing as a result of an evolving society that demands infinite economic growth and that drives this growth through any means necessary, including making individuals change their entire perception of the world through constant, repeated, massive propaganda campaigns (I guess most people call it "marketing" :P )

Here's one more thought: Is it more likely that humans spontaneously dropped millenniums of traditional male/female relationships because of some biological drive that decided to show up just now, or is it more likely the result of our "new world order" (in quotes so as not to get the thin foil hat people coming out of the woodworks) that emerged shortly after industrialization gave us a world of abondante resources that was going to break everyone favorite system of market capitalism on account of if everybody can be fed an clothed they don't spend all that much anymore?


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18 Sep 2017, 5:23 pm

wanderlust77 wrote:
Outrider wrote:

"Meant" to evolve? Says who?

A true adult lives life by their own terms, so an unambitious person who who WANTS to stay a security guard forever is not at fault.

Is just unfortunate while many men wouldn't mind being a secuity guard forever, the amount of women willing to stay or be with him is much smaller.

If a man wants to be a security guard for the rest of his life, it doesn't matter to me. We are just on on the same page. I am a self-help junkie, obsessed with improving myself, I am curious about EVERYTHING in life, and yeah, I want to make enough money to be able to pursue my obsessions like travelling for example.(I'm on the other end of this, I desperately NEED to change because then I have this fear of missing out.
If somebody wants to be stuck in the same place, go for it. Just go and find another woman.
The thing is at the beginning of a relationship, you don't see the real person. It's called infatuation for a reason.
Women can convince themselves they found the right one, they fall in love with the man’s potential, men can fake whole relationships, most of the time it's f****d up from the beginning. Then the blame game starts. "you changed", "Who are you, I don't know you anymore"
You didn't know them from the start but you were blinded.

This particular security guard by the way was plain lazy. He was very good with gardening, he loved that so for me it was just beyond my comprehension why he wouldn't learn something, become a gardener etc. My aunt didn't get that either. I am pretty sure she would have supported him to get a qualification to do what he loved. Of course I only her side of the story.
But you can't do anything with laziness.

This whole thing is not even about the money, it's about the characters.

So if a man earns much less than his woman he suddenly becomes "freeloader", she loses hee respect for him ....etc while if the other way around she is not a freeloader.
If she earns more, it suddenly becomes "parental" and not sexual - so what about the men married to housewives and to less earning women, their relationship is not parental and asexual? why it's not that?

A housewife, unless we talk about the sh***y tv shows you can see now, works a lot, takes care of the children, cooks, cleans the house, runs errands, at least in Europe.
A man who stays at home, usually watched tv and moans about how unfair the world is.
Massive generalization but kinda true.

As I see it most men would do everything to get some female attention. They will put up with drama, pressure, they will bend over backwards to please their ever-demanding woman. Why? Seriously? Do they really in love with some manipulative, lazy, greedy b***h ? Or just being lazy to get out of the relationship, fear of being alone, fear of not getting sex etc.
What is this if not co-dependency, insecurity at its finest and approval-seeking? None of them are attractive traits, who is attracted to a doormat??

MGTOW is a bunch of loser men who was not able to be a man, a dominant male whose word the female would follow. Now they are throwing a tantrum. Those men didn’t go their own way. On their forums they keep moaning about women
Come on, how difficult to say from a start that you want to split the bill, or you want a prenup as let's get real marriages will end in divorce. Yeah, I know it's difficult as it might ruin your chances to get laid. Personally I do hope those men will stay in mgtow. They are not man enough anyway. IMO!
A real masculine man would see through the mind games, he would be confident to say good bye if she is acting like a b***h. He would know what he wants to do and he would work for it to achieve it and he would expect his woman to be on his side. A self-respecting man would not allow jokes like you guys mentioned.
“Honey if you don’t like what I bring to the table, you are free to go and I don’t want you to make jokes like this as I do have feelings and you are hurting me saying stuff like this.
To actually saying what you think and not being afraid of the consequences-woman leaves- that’s strength and that deserves respect.
A man would be confident enough to know he will find another woman as he would know his worth.
But this never happens as men are incredibly insecure.

The more I think the more I am sure that the future of men is in our hands. Women raise men and they ruin their spirits. These manboys, millenial snowflakes are the result of women have no clue how to be a woman and they have no clue how to raise children.
These articles should be read by every women ... -feminine/ ... sculinity/ ... argie-men/ ... lbut-love/

People change, especially men should understand that nothing is permanent. You experience things apart from your partner and it changes the way you see the world, it’s inevitable that most couples grow apart if BOTH of them didn’t put effort in to save their relationship. Equal effort!

Last thing, Men don’t want ambitious women or they don’t expect them to strive to be better? LOLZ
It might be true for the older men 25+ (one question, why would anyone want to be with a slob anyway?)
20 year old guys are pickier when it comes to girlfriends.
I did some low profile jobs, cleaning, sandwich making and surprise, guys who were intelligent or studying something, didn’t take me seriously. A lot of them asked about my future plans and a year ago I was still figuring out what I wanted, when I said I had no idea and I was doing part time cleaning, they disappeared. The ones who stayed were morons who thought I was unintelligent and I’d happy to have one night stands. Well, they were wrong.

I think there’s hope for men but it takes some time.

You and just about every single other woman on the planet >.> never met a woman or seen a woman who doesn't travel or want to travel. Why do women never want to just stay where they are?

Men don't care about a woman's income. Doesn't mean they want a slob woman. There's a lot between slob and ambitious.
A woman working at a coffee shop for example isn't lazy or a slob most men would date her if she's attractive to them and shares similar interests and has a good personality. But put a guy in the same situation women won't date him.


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18 Sep 2017, 5:25 pm

wanderlust77 wrote:
Oh and I sensed this kinda accusaton that I am one of those women.
The last 4 guys I fancied were all aspies. One officially diagnosed, three selfdiagnosed. Two of them without a job.
They were being picky, didn't want me who showed actual interest but they kept moaning about how women are b*****s.
No further comment!

0.o through you said you wouldn't date a jobless or a guy who makes less then you do or will make?

I just wish woman would look pas the whole job thing and give me a chance.


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18 Sep 2017, 5:34 pm

One of my friends is 22 and still working in the same coffee shop she did at 16. She says people say to her, 'don't you want to do more with your life?'

Travel is interesting. I'm lucky to live in Europe. Loads of places are a short plane ride away. But it must be very expensive for Americans to travel abroad. Unless you go to South America I guess. That's too expensive for me.

The world is very interesting. I do like to travel and see new places. I wish I could afford to or had a friend I could go places with. Most of my friends are in the same boat as me and can't afford to travel either.

Closet Genious

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18 Sep 2017, 5:43 pm

bobchaos wrote:
Just thought I'd put in my 2 cents on the whole "biology" thing: Yes, it's all about biology, but no, it's not as simple as some of you seem to think. Biology is heavily influenced by environment (see gene expression for a solid example). Advertisement and marketing are huge influences on modern human behavior. Big companies have been known to hire psychiatrists and other medical experts who specialize in addiction, fear response and/or neuro-cognitive sciences for their marketing departments so they can better manipulate our behaviors (and make us buy more garbage :P ). These manipulations are creating ridiculous amounts of anxiety that our ancestors never knew (altho one might argue they had their own anxieties, like "is the plague going to murder my whole family next week"). These new anxieties are the driving force behind this new paradigm between opposite sex humans.

To say modern relations between male/female humans is purely the result of biological drive is to oversimplify a very complex psychological notion. Gender roles are not changing as a result of evolving biology (the human genome is believed to have been stable for roughly 50k years and could only "evolve" as the result of mass extinction which would leave certain specific mutants behind (yes, oppressed gingers, you may one day rule the world :D )), they are changing as a result of an evolving society that demands infinite economic growth and that drives this growth through any means necessary, including making individuals change their entire perception of the world through constant, repeated, massive propaganda campaigns (I guess most people call it "marketing" :P )

Here's one more thought: Is it more likely that humans spontaneously dropped millenniums of traditional male/female relationships because of some biological drive that decided to show up just now, or is it more likely the result of our "new world order" (in quotes so as not to get the thin foil hat people coming out of the woodworks) that emerged shortly after industrialization gave us a world of abondante resources that was going to break everyone favorite system of market capitalism on account of if everybody can be fed an clothed they don't spend all that much anymore?

The way I see it, you're just understanding everything I said backwards. Biology also shapes the enviroment. Biology also shape our psychological urges that are being manipulated. They were not created, they were there to begin with. Our biological drive didn't "decide to just show up now", it simply reacts to a completely different enviroment, and thus the results are different. I never said it was simple, none of us can really say for certain regardless.

But this is how I see it: Saying it's culture or enviroment instead biology, is the same as saying it's biology, because culture/enviroment is largely a by product of our biological drives anyway. This is why I believe the way "love" works, will never ever change. I don't care how much you change the culture, it will still be the same.

But again, NO ONE ON THIS PLANET can say for certain, this is just what I find most plausible. :)


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18 Sep 2017, 5:48 pm

hurtloam wrote:
One of my friends is 22 and still working in the same coffee shop she did at 16. She says people say to her, 'don't you want to do more with your life?'

Travel is interesting. I'm lucky to live in Europe. Loads of places are a short plane ride away. But it must be very expensive for Americans to travel abroad. Unless you go to South America I guess. That's too expensive for me.

The world is very interesting. I do like to travel and see new places. I wish I could afford to or had a friend I could go places with. Most of my friends are in the same boat as me and can't afford to travel either.

Would like to travel is different then need to travel so I won't date poor guys.

I'd love to visit Germany, Japan, Korea, Russia etc but I don't need to and thus am fine not ever traveling outside my state it's not possible. A vacation for me is going to my uncles beach house or camping in the woods.

Traveling is still very expensive and mostly for rich. A lot of people go Into debt to sastify their travel "needs"

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18 Sep 2017, 5:54 pm

Closet Genious wrote:
bobchaos wrote:
Just thought I'd put in my 2 cents on the whole "biology" thing: Yes, it's all about biology, but no, it's not as simple as some of you seem to think. Biology is heavily influenced by environment (see gene expression for a solid example). Advertisement and marketing are huge influences on modern human behavior. Big companies have been known to hire psychiatrists and other medical experts who specialize in addiction, fear response and/or neuro-cognitive sciences for their marketing departments so they can better manipulate our behaviors (and make us buy more garbage :P ). These manipulations are creating ridiculous amounts of anxiety that our ancestors never knew (altho one might argue they had their own anxieties, like "is the plague going to murder my whole family next week"). These new anxieties are the driving force behind this new paradigm between opposite sex humans.

To say modern relations between male/female humans is purely the result of biological drive is to oversimplify a very complex psychological notion. Gender roles are not changing as a result of evolving biology (the human genome is believed to have been stable for roughly 50k years and could only "evolve" as the result of mass extinction which would leave certain specific mutants behind (yes, oppressed gingers, you may one day rule the world :D )), they are changing as a result of an evolving society that demands infinite economic growth and that drives this growth through any means necessary, including making individuals change their entire perception of the world through constant, repeated, massive propaganda campaigns (I guess most people call it "marketing" :P )

Here's one more thought: Is it more likely that humans spontaneously dropped millenniums of traditional male/female relationships because of some biological drive that decided to show up just now, or is it more likely the result of our "new world order" (in quotes so as not to get the thin foil hat people coming out of the woodworks) that emerged shortly after industrialization gave us a world of abondante resources that was going to break everyone favorite system of market capitalism on account of if everybody can be fed an clothed they don't spend all that much anymore?

The way I see it, you're just understanding everything I said backwards. Biology also shapes the enviroment. Biology also shape our psychological urges that are being manipulated. They were not created, they were there to begin with. Our biological drive didn't "decide to just show up now", it simply reacts to a completely different enviroment, and thus the results are different. I never said it was simple, none of us can really say for certain regardless.

But this is how I see it: Saying it's culture or enviroment instead biology, is the same as saying it's biology, because culture/enviroment is largely a by product of our biological drives anyway. This is why I believe the way "love" works, will never ever change. I don't care how much you change the culture, it will still be the same.

But again, NO ONE ON THIS PLANET can say for certain, this is just what I find most plausible. :)

Solid explanation, I withdraw my accusations of oversimplification. Please don't hurt me I swear I'm nice! :O

**edit** no one can say for certain... yet ;)

Closet Genious

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18 Sep 2017, 5:58 pm

bobchaos wrote:
Closet Genious wrote:
bobchaos wrote:
Just thought I'd put in my 2 cents on the whole "biology" thing: Yes, it's all about biology, but no, it's not as simple as some of you seem to think. Biology is heavily influenced by environment (see gene expression for a solid example). Advertisement and marketing are huge influences on modern human behavior. Big companies have been known to hire psychiatrists and other medical experts who specialize in addiction, fear response and/or neuro-cognitive sciences for their marketing departments so they can better manipulate our behaviors (and make us buy more garbage :P ). These manipulations are creating ridiculous amounts of anxiety that our ancestors never knew (altho one might argue they had their own anxieties, like "is the plague going to murder my whole family next week"). These new anxieties are the driving force behind this new paradigm between opposite sex humans.

To say modern relations between male/female humans is purely the result of biological drive is to oversimplify a very complex psychological notion. Gender roles are not changing as a result of evolving biology (the human genome is believed to have been stable for roughly 50k years and could only "evolve" as the result of mass extinction which would leave certain specific mutants behind (yes, oppressed gingers, you may one day rule the world :D )), they are changing as a result of an evolving society that demands infinite economic growth and that drives this growth through any means necessary, including making individuals change their entire perception of the world through constant, repeated, massive propaganda campaigns (I guess most people call it "marketing" :P )

Here's one more thought: Is it more likely that humans spontaneously dropped millenniums of traditional male/female relationships because of some biological drive that decided to show up just now, or is it more likely the result of our "new world order" (in quotes so as not to get the thin foil hat people coming out of the woodworks) that emerged shortly after industrialization gave us a world of abondante resources that was going to break everyone favorite system of market capitalism on account of if everybody can be fed an clothed they don't spend all that much anymore?

The way I see it, you're just understanding everything I said backwards. Biology also shapes the enviroment. Biology also shape our psychological urges that are being manipulated. They were not created, they were there to begin with. Our biological drive didn't "decide to just show up now", it simply reacts to a completely different enviroment, and thus the results are different. I never said it was simple, none of us can really say for certain regardless.

But this is how I see it: Saying it's culture or enviroment instead biology, is the same as saying it's biology, because culture/enviroment is largely a by product of our biological drives anyway. This is why I believe the way "love" works, will never ever change. I don't care how much you change the culture, it will still be the same.

But again, NO ONE ON THIS PLANET can say for certain, this is just what I find most plausible. :)

Solid explanation, I withdraw my accusations of oversimplification. Please don't hurt me I swear I'm nice! :O

**edit** no one can say for certain... yet ;)

I won't, contrary to popular belief I am actually nice too. :)

Closet Genious

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18 Sep 2017, 7:12 pm

wanderlust77 wrote:
I started watching the interview with Esther Vilar. The blond woman in it is SO ANNOYING, she doesn't let her finish one sentence?!
Here's a link instead ... ed_man.pdf
So far it's a good read!!
Thanks for mentioning it!

I second this.

Interesting read so far. :)


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18 Sep 2017, 7:45 pm

hurtloam wrote:
One of my friends is 22 and still working in the same coffee shop she did at 16. She says people say to her, 'don't you want to do more with your life?'

Travel is interesting. I'm lucky to live in Europe. Loads of places are a short plane ride away. But it must be very expensive for Americans to travel abroad. Unless you go to South America I guess. That's too expensive for me.

The world is very interesting. I do like to travel and see new places. I wish I could afford to or had a friend I could go places with. Most of my friends are in the same boat as me and can't afford to travel either.

Its even Worse in Australia.

Our flight prices are higher on average than other countries even for the same distance, the biggest scam there is and the fact we're so far away from everything means it costs more too because distance = price.

Cheap flights to LA at only $1650!


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19 Sep 2017, 1:45 am

wanderlust77 wrote:
If a man wants to be a security guard for the rest of his life, it doesn't matter to me. We are just on on the same page. I am a self-help junkie, obsessed with improving myself, I am curious about EVERYTHING in life, and yeah, I want to make enough money to be able to pursue my obsessions like travelling for example.(I'm on the other end of this, I desperately NEED to change because then I have this fear of missing out.

I'm the exact same way, but do not need a girlfriend to be this way and would be perfectly happy with the opposite, an unambitious girl.

wanderlust wrote:
If somebody wants to be stuck in the same place, go for it. Just go and find another woman.

Easier said than done.

The thing is at the beginning of a relationship, you don't see the real person. It's called infatuation for a reason.
Women can convince themselves they found the right one, they fall in love with the man’s potential, men can fake whole relationships, most of the time it's f****d up from the beginning. Then the blame game starts. "you changed", "Who are you, I don't know you anymore"
You didn't know them from the start but you were blinded.

How's this relevant?

[/quote="wanderlust"]This particular security guard by the way was plain lazy. He was very good with gardening, he loved that so for me it was just beyond my comprehension why he wouldn't learn something, become a gardener etc. My aunt didn't get that either. I am pretty sure she would have supported him to get a qualification to do what he loved. Of course I only her side of the story.
But you can't do anything with laziness.[/quote]

Strongly disagree.

A hobby is supposed to be for your enjoyment.

Not everyone can, wants to or has to make their hobby into their job, and in fact many people who do so Ind they get sick of it and don't enjoy it anymore.

Many musicians for example lose their passion and start to only make music for the money and to continue their fame, their music starts to become cheap, lazy and unoriginal

I like to eat healthy and lift weights, doesn't mean I should be a pro bodybuilder.

Some people like to play music for fun, doesn't mean they should have an musician even of they're really, really good.

That is not laziness, its enjoying life.

This whole thing is not even about the money, it's about the characters.

Sure about that? If he's good at gardening you believe he should be a gardener who earns money. Sounds lik its about money to me.

So if a man earns much less than his woman he suddenly becomes "freeloader", she loses hee respect for him ....etc while if the other way around she is not a freeloader.
If she earns more, it suddenly becomes "parental" and not sexual - so what about the men married to housewives and to less earning women, their relationship is not parental and asexual? why it's not that?

A housewife, unless we talk about the sh***y tv shows you can see now, works a lot, takes care of the children, cooks, cleans the house, runs errands, at least in Europe.
A man who stays at home, usually watched tv and moans about how unfair the world is.
Massive generalization but kinda true.

As I see it most men would do everything to get some female attention. They will put up with drama, pressure, they will bend over backwards to please their ever-demanding woman. Why? Seriously? Do they really in love with some manipulative, lazy, greedy b***h ? Or just being lazy to get out of the relationship, fear of being alone, fear of not getting sex etc.
What is this if not co-dependency, insecurity at its finest and approval-seeking? None of them are attractive traits, who is attracted to a doormat?

We agree here.

MGTOW is a bunch of loser men who was not able to be a man, a dominant male whose word the female would follow. Now they are throwing a tantrum. Those men didn’t go their own way. On their forums they keep moaning about women
Come on, how difficult to say from a start that you want to split the bill, or you want a prenup as let's get real marriages will end in divorce. Yeah, I know it's difficult as it might ruin your chances to get laid. Personally I do hope those men will stay in mgtow. They are not man enough anyway. IMO!

Don't mock MGTOW. They're tying to GTOW, doesn't mean they're perfect at it.

A real masculine man would see through the mind games, he would be confident to say good bye if she is acting like a b***h. He would know what he wants to do and he would work for it to achieve it and he would expect his woman to be on his side. A self-respecting man would not allow jokes like you guys mentioned.
“Honey if you don’t like what I bring to the table, you are free to go and I don’t want you to make jokes like this as I do have feelings and you are hurting me saying stuff like this.
To actually saying what you think and not being afraid of the consequences-woman leaves- that’s strength and that deserves respect.
A man would be confident enough to know he will find another woman as he would know his worth.

Agreed, I take no crap anymore myself.

But this never happens as men are incredibly insecure.

Some of us find it incredibly difficult to get dates or relationships, so we work garde to stay with the ones we have.

The insecurity is a NATURAL reaction to the fact any relationship could be your last for a long, long time.

I haven't had a girlfriend in almost 2 year . What if I get a girlfriend for a couple months, we breakup and I ho another 2 years single?

You can't be confident that getting into another relationship after your current one ends will be easy when, in fact, it ISN'T easy for you but actually incredibly difficult.

Last thing, Men don’t want ambitious women or they don’t expect them to strive to be better? LOLZ
It might be true for the older men 25+ (one question, why would anyone want to be with a slob anyway?)
20 year old guys are pickier when it comes to girlfriends.
I did some low profile jobs, cleaning, sandwich making and surprise, guys who were intelligent or studying something, didn’t take me seriously. A lot of them asked about my future plans and a year ago I was still figuring out what I wanted, when I said I had no idea and I was doing part time cleaning, they disappeared. The ones who stayed were morons who thought I was unintelligent and I’d happy to have one night stands. Well, they were wrong.

I think there’s hope for men but it takes some time.

Depends on how you present it. If you seem unconfident, unpassionate and direction less about yor future.

But for me I'd happily date a girl who lives with her parents, desnt have a job and is not studying if she's confident things will stay this way but still positive, fun. Confident and passionate in her hobbies and other areas of life outside of a job or studying.


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19 Sep 2017, 2:12 am

wanderlust77 wrote:
Sorry for the rambling.
Boo if a woman asks you this, yeah you did well. Asking this cliche argh...
She must have been a boring, unimaginative person.

I think i was too honest though. lol

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19 Sep 2017, 3:13 am

Yeah, I can see what men's biggest problem is. You are slave to your urges and the idea of having to be in a relationship in order to be happy.
That is your weakest point and that allows women to exploit you, use and abuse you.

Anyways, I have weird ideas about relationships. I wouldn't even move in together with somebody. Man made marriage is definitely out of question.
If I am in love , I want to spend some quality time with them, and go home to my own female cave.
Freedom is the most important thing for me, I want my freedom and I will give it too. (I'm an Osho fan)

“The moment love becomes a relationship, it becomes a bondage, because there are expectations and there are demands and there are frustrations, and an effort from both sides to dominate. It becomes a struggle for power...
“Two persons can be very loving together. The more loving they are, the less is the possibility of any relationship. The more loving they are, the more freedom exists between them. The more loving they are, the less is the possibility of any demand, any domination, any expectation. And naturally, there is no question of any frustration.”

“When you are happy alone, when you can live with yourself, there is no intrinsic necessity to be in relationship. That does not mean that you will not relate. But to relate is one thing, and to be in relationship is quite another. Relationship is a kind of bondage, relating is sharing. You will relate with many people, you will share your joy with many people, but you will not depend on anyone in particular and you will not allow anybody else to depend on you. You will not be dependent, and you will not allow anybody to be dependent on you. Then you live out of freedom, out of joy, out of love.”

And I could go on and on but I won't Everybody is entitled to be as unhappy as they wanna be. It's all good.


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19 Sep 2017, 3:59 am

wanderlust77 wrote:
Yeah, I can see what men's biggest problem is. You are slave to your urges and the idea of having to be in a relationship in order to be happy.
That is your weakest point and that allows women to exploit you, use and abuse you.

Anyways, I have weird ideas about relationships. I wouldn't even move in together with somebody. Man made marriage is definitely out of question.
If I am in love , I want to spend some quality time with them, and go home to my own female cave.
Freedom is the most important thing for me, I want my freedom and I will give it too. (I'm an Osho fan)

“The moment love becomes a relationship, it becomes a bondage, because there are expectations and there are demands and there are frustrations, and an effort from both sides to dominate. It becomes a struggle for power...
“Two persons can be very loving together. The more loving they are, the less is the possibility of any relationship. The more loving they are, the more freedom exists between them. The more loving they are, the less is the possibility of any demand, any domination, any expectation. And naturally, there is no question of any frustration.”

“When you are happy alone, when you can live with yourself, there is no intrinsic necessity to be in relationship. That does not mean that you will not relate. But to relate is one thing, and to be in relationship is quite another. Relationship is a kind of bondage, relating is sharing. You will relate with many people, you will share your joy with many people, but you will not depend on anyone in particular and you will not allow anybody else to depend on you. You will not be dependent, and you will not allow anybody to be dependent on you. Then you live out of freedom, out of joy, out of love.”

And I could go on and on but I won't Everybody is entitled to be as unhappy as they wanna be. It's all good.

I don't appreciate the subtle mocking me.

I was just trying to have a debate but instead you resort to ad hominem.

I work VERY hard to be as happy as possible every single day.

I am most of The time happy being single but when I'm not, it hits me hard.

Right now i need friends more than love but i don't have a single friend, i havent had a true friend in nearly 3 years.

Have you?

I can be happy without love but I definitely can't be fulfilled with no friends and even.most of my family don't love me. Only 1 or 2 people in my family care about me but are too busy with everyone else.

Yes . Men want love more than women, we are 'slaves' to our urges.

I agree, I've been saying this for years.

Men need women more than women need men, which honestly says it all about how differently men and women see love.

And both of us will make out the other sex to be at fault because of it.

Men will argue women don't want 'true love' and women that men are slaves to their urges.

Whatever. Its all bullsh*t in the end. Life is a joke.


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19 Sep 2017, 4:34 am

That's why I find the the FWB form of relationship more appealing to me, it's the truest equal relationship: me and her both equally crave for intimacy and sex, and we equally exchange it.
In a FWB, a man doesn't have to spend financially on the woman in any form or shape.

Marriage is a systematic enslavement of men, as a workhorse, in the favor of women; maybe except in countries like Saudi arabia where woman is a possession.

Btw, do you know that even in an islamic marriage, the religion treats men as workhorse slaves for the favor of women?

In fact, Islam obliges men to spend on the women for all her needs even if she is rich.

In fact, in an islamic marriage, a wife can leave her children die from hunger and it wouldn't be a crime against her, but against him only if he fails to provide them food.
