kraftiekortie wrote:
I’ve tried that. It didn’t work for me.
The women I had flings with only wanted flings. They were just horny at the moment.
This is not a knock on women. Women are people, too. Some just want flings when they’re lonely, just like men. Most are looking for someone serious—but might get lonely and desirious for love.
Just like most men.
I have the opposite experience to that, all my past relationships started as sexual flings then evolved beyond into relationships.
When I tried your way, to date someone normally before anything sexual happens - this never worked, never passed the first date, in this way I often got rejected because they didn't feel chemistry, in my case - the most common case of rejection was my height (And I believe most subconsciously think that short men = have small penis). In these scenarios, the women had the upper hand, the date always felt like they're the employer who's interviewing me and judging me at every thing and I am just the job candidate.
But when I date someone whom I had a sexual contact with before, it's a totally whole different experience - in these cases I had the upper-hand as I was totally sure that the person I am dating is sexually attracted to me, those ones already know that I don't have a small penis
- in other term they see me as a sexual being and as an adult sexually capable man and not as a boy- she won't be able to deny that, it was them who were trying to impress me, it was them who were expecting me to ask them question, It felt like I was the employer and them the job candidates, them the chasers and I am the chasee.....I will not deny it, this POWER feels good!! !