Closet Genious wrote:
I could get shredded sitting all day on my ass in a couch. You just need to eat less calories than your body needs, so that it taps into your fat stores, focus on protein and nutrient dense vegetables.
I’ve done water fasts before. Keep that up for around two weeks and slowly reintroduce food, I recommend going vegetarian for a few weeks, and you can lose massive weight by basically doing nothing. Not a good idea for diabetics. I’ve done 2 fasts for 40 days each. 2nd time around killed my muscles, and I had no idea that was happening, since the first one went smoothly and I wasn’t all that weak at the end. The 2nd time, though, I bounced right back after a couple weeks.
Consistency is key to diet and exercise. I’ve been tracking how quickly I adapt to weights, and it’s looking like I won’t be increasing my weights for another 2 months. I’m also not seeing any visual signs of increased muscle mass. But keeping things challenging and doing it without injury take a lot of time. If I can work out on dumbbells and get up to 30 lb. by the end of the year, I’ll be happy.
Goals are important, too. This week I start training for my first half marathon. I’m behind schedule due to illness, so I don’t have high expectations. As long as I don’t hit the wall I’ll be happy. I felt great after my first 10k, so now my focus is on seeing how much abuse my knees can take. I’m rock solid on cardio and have a high tolerance for pain.
And I’m ready for it to hurt. What will absolutely kill your workout is when you let the pain get to you before your body adapts. Your heart will try to pound its way out of your chest. You’ll feel like you’re going to vomit. I always feel like I’m coming down with flu. But if you can stick with it for a good hour, allow for preparation and warmup, push a little harder than yesterday, and keep moving through you’re cool-down, you’ll be amazed with what you’re capable of in just two weeks. I’m not a personal trainer and I don’t use one, but that’s just been my expereince. You can always do much more than you think you can.
Last edited by AngelRho on 09 Jan 2018, 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.