Asperger's and not being able to relate to women?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Mar 2018, 8:57 am

Hi, I am a man of 28 years old afflicted with Asperger's Syndrome.

I can't relate to women.

They are just sex objects.

I never had a girlfriend, I waited until I was 25 then started with prostitutes.

Since 2015 I have had sex with 11 prostitutes but not any regular women. It's too expensive though! Otherwise my tally would have been more like 100.

I think part of the problem is that I can't relate to the female brain at all.

When I was a teenager I went near teenage girls and even without talking had a panic attack and would clam up.

I never had sex with an 18 year old girl.

2008 was the last time I was that age, 2013 was probably the last time I would acceptably get away with it.

But despite me feeling so old I will still pursue the younger girls, I know it's wrong but there is something to be said for that firm, tight, young flesh, especially if you have never experienced it before.

I feel like I need to go through the stages of 18 year old girl, 21 year old girl, 23 year old girl and then 25+ are what I will be stuck with for the rest of my life.

When I was a teenager my sex drive was off the scale and I think not getting any action until I was 25 has somewhat damaged me a bit.

Does anyone else here feel like this?

In 2011 I was 21 and I was at uni in the best shape of my life as I'd just hit the gym all day and the girls still didn't come.

All the advice I read on the internet was stuff like "forget about women, just focus on yourself".

So I did.

Now look where that's got me!?

I think the problem is that I can't look at women in the face for too long, let alone talk to them without panicking.

I've got better socially now since I've had more practice but since uni I've worked in masculine jobs so since about 2012 I just haven't been around girls on a regular basis.

And besides I don't want to settle down, I just want to have loads of casual encounters for a few years and then a few serious relationships and then start thinking about having a family in my mid 40s.

I'm so age insecure now, I'm 28 but feel 18-23, I really don't want to be getting towards my 30s as it doesn't suit my personality.

Btw, when I was a teenager, I was a "nobody" so to speak, I was too shy to be myself in case ppl didn't like me.

It's only the last few years (since I started banging prostitutes actually) that I've started being myself.


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08 Mar 2018, 9:34 am

Talk to women like they’re your buddies (except don’t use phrases like “women are this and that....”)

You’ll go farther with them (and it will cost less).


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08 Mar 2018, 8:53 pm

flynn_ wrote:
Hi, I am a man of 28 years old afflicted with Asperger's Syndrome.

I can't relate to women.

They are just sex objects.

I never had a girlfriend, I waited until I was 25 then started with prostitutes.

Since 2015 I have had sex with 11 prostitutes but not any regular women. It's too expensive though! Otherwise my tally would have been more like 100.

I think part of the problem is that I can't relate to the female brain at all.

When I was a teenager I went near teenage girls and even without talking had a panic attack and would clam up.

I never had sex with an 18 year old girl.

2008 was the last time I was that age, 2013 was probably the last time I would acceptably get away with it.

But despite me feeling so old I will still pursue the younger girls, I know it's wrong but there is something to be said for that firm, tight, young flesh, especially if you have never experienced it before.

I feel like I need to go through the stages of 18 year old girl, 21 year old girl, 23 year old girl and then 25+ are what I will be stuck with for the rest of my life.

When I was a teenager my sex drive was off the scale and I think not getting any action until I was 25 has somewhat damaged me a bit.

Does anyone else here feel like this?

In 2011 I was 21 and I was at uni in the best shape of my life as I'd just hit the gym all day and the girls still didn't come.

All the advice I read on the internet was stuff like "forget about women, just focus on yourself".

So I did.

Now look where that's got me!?

I think the problem is that I can't look at women in the face for too long, let alone talk to them without panicking.

I've got better socially now since I've had more practice but since uni I've worked in masculine jobs so since about 2012 I just haven't been around girls on a regular basis.

And besides I don't want to settle down, I just want to have loads of casual encounters for a few years and then a few serious relationships and then start thinking about having a family in my mid 40s.

I'm so age insecure now, I'm 28 but feel 18-23, I really don't want to be getting towards my 30s as it doesn't suit my personality.

Btw, when I was a teenager, I was a "nobody" so to speak, I was too shy to be myself in case ppl didn't like me.

It's only the last few years (since I started banging prostitutes actually) that I've started being myself.

How did you think of women before you had a libido? How do you think of your female relatives? How do you think of old ladies or women you find unattractive? Men and women are both people first and as such, have more in common than not. The majority of social interactions between people on a regular basis have nothing to do with their sex.


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08 Mar 2018, 8:55 pm

So is your mother a sex object to you? I imagine family dinners would be a bit awkward then.

Emu Egg
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09 Mar 2018, 5:37 am

Chronos wrote:

How did you think of women before you had a libido? How do you think of your female relatives? How do you think of old ladies or women you find unattractive? Men and women are both people first and as such, have more in common than not. The majority of social interactions between people on a regular basis have nothing to do with their sex.

I don't have any female relatives actually. My mum but that's all, obviously I don't see her in that way.

As for how I felt about women before I had a libido, that's a long time ago! Going back to probably 2002 with that one!

I guess I might have got crushes on pretty women but the visceral, primal, beast like sexual desire wasn't there. I suppose before the testosterone kicked in I just wanted the ladies to like me and/or think I was cool.

I went to a special needs boarding school where a lot of the staff were female in their 20s and 30s so plenty to have a crush on.

As for women I'm not attracted to? Just ignore them I guess.

I have real difficulty perceiving women as people and that could be dangerous for me, especially with how overprotective society is of women nowadays.


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09 Mar 2018, 11:58 am

flynn_ wrote:
Chronos wrote:

How did you think of women before you had a libido? How do you think of your female relatives? How do you think of old ladies or women you find unattractive? Men and women are both people first and as such, have more in common than not. The majority of social interactions between people on a regular basis have nothing to do with their sex.

I don't have any female relatives actually. My mum but that's all, obviously I don't see her in that way.

As for how I felt about women before I had a libido, that's a long time ago! Going back to probably 2002 with that one!

I guess I might have got crushes on pretty women but the visceral, primal, beast like sexual desire wasn't there. I suppose before the testosterone kicked in I just wanted the ladies to like me and/or think I was cool.

I went to a special needs boarding school where a lot of the staff were female in their 20s and 30s so plenty to have a crush on.

As for women I'm not attracted to? Just ignore them I guess.

I have real difficulty perceiving women as people and that could be dangerous for me, especially with how overprotective society is of women nowadays.

What does it mean to you to perceive someone as a person? And do you perceive men as people?


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09 Mar 2018, 1:30 pm

flynn_ wrote:
I have real difficulty perceiving women as people and that could be dangerous for me

Surely that's more dangerous for the women you come into contact with?

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09 Mar 2018, 1:56 pm

I think perhaps that the OP has some notion that he has to relate to stereotypical femininity to relate to women as people, and this is not the case. A number of women, particularly here, don't relate to sterotypical femininity.

My idea of a nice day out isn't clothes shopping, lunch, a manicure at the spa and then an afternoon of gossip and watching Oprah, The View, and a bunch of Lifetime or Hallmark channel movies with my girlfriends.

I don't relate to those things, but I don't need to to see women as people because such things are secondary to personhood.

We can flip this situation. I could proclaim that I don't relate to men as people and just see them as soul lacking machines programmed for sex and destruction. It does, at times, seem that when a minority of males hit puberty, their personhood becomes devoured by their gonads...can we really consider someone devoid of all feeling except the desire for sex, and someone who's only directive in life is to have sex, an actual person?

I will leave that to thought. We can't debate it because the topic would be locked as I think most of the men here would feel hurt by that notion and I argue that the fact that they have the capacity to feel hurt and offended and mischaracterized is a manifestation of their personhood. a physical sense are only objects devoid of personhood when they are dead and before the fetal brain is sufficiently deceloped to support personhood. Otherwise they are people with thoughts, emotions, desires, feelings that can be hurt, and it would be illogical to view them otherwise. Perhaps your problem is you have forgotten your own personhood?

Emu Egg
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09 Mar 2018, 3:58 pm

Chronos wrote:
I think perhaps that the OP has some notion that he has to relate to stereotypical femininity to relate to women as people, and this is not the case. A number of women, particularly here, don't relate to sterotypical femininity.

My idea of a nice day out isn't clothes shopping, lunch, a manicure at the spa and then an afternoon of gossip and watching Oprah, The View, and a bunch of Lifetime or Hallmark channel movies with my girlfriends.

I don't relate to those things, but I don't need to to see women as people because such things are secondary to personhood.

We can flip this situation. I could proclaim that I don't relate to men as people and just see them as soul lacking machines programmed for sex and destruction. It does, at times, seem that when a minority of males hit puberty, their personhood becomes devoured by their gonads...can we really consider someone devoid of all feeling except the desire for sex, and someone who's only directive in life is to have sex, an actual person?

I will leave that to thought. We can't debate it because the topic would be locked as I think most of the men here would feel hurt by that notion and I argue that the fact that they have the capacity to feel hurt and offended and mischaracterized is a manifestation of their personhood. a physical sense are only objects devoid of personhood when they are dead and before the fetal brain is sufficiently deceloped to support personhood. Otherwise they are people with thoughts, emotions, desires, feelings that can be hurt, and it would be illogical to view them otherwise. Perhaps your problem is you have forgotten your own personhood?

Interesting theory.

I think my teens and early 20s I was so preoccupied with sex that I forgot my personhood.

Ironically I needed to have sex to get over it.

I wish I had sex with prostitutes from an earlier age, perhaps 21 would have been the right time, I had my student loan then as well.

It's interesting that you say ppl are objects only when dead.

This is probably for anther topic but I think I should mention that I have a fetish for watching female autopsy videos on Youtube.

In fact I have been depressed about it before and was addicted to it in the way most people get addicted to porn.

I've watched some porn briefly but nothing compares to the rush I get of seeing a woman's body being cut open.

That's probably due to my objectification of the female body.

OutsideView wrote:
flynn_ wrote:
I have real difficulty perceiving women as people and that could be dangerous for me

Surely that's more dangerous for the women you come into contact with?

What I meant was, it could be dangerous for my freedom.

If we come to a missunderstanding and I react badly to it for instance.

Like in 2008 when some girls used to laugh at me I would have liked nothing better than to give them a slap but I knew my hands were tied due to society and how much women are over protected.

As I get older I realise what women are responsible for in my development and will be less forgiving :twisted:

Although it was put to the test when a prostitute I visited tried to stop me from leaving and continued to punch, kick, pinch and even attempt to bite me.

In the end she got my wallet out of my pocket and saw there wasn't any money in it then lost interest.

Well there was but in the secret compartment :lol:

I wanted to slap her down but I couldn't physically bring myself to do it. Plus she was already making a fuss and I didn't want her to make up a sob story for the police.

She was only slight and I could have flung her to the ground quite easily but I didn't.

Okay, maybe what was putting me off was the fuss she might make:twisted:

As she was already making a racket before I even touched her.

For someone with Asperger's a woman behaving badly is particularly challenging, especially when they are spiteful.


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09 Mar 2018, 4:14 pm

The best way to be unable to relate to someone is to know nothing about them. In addition, this ignorance tends to perpetuate itself as your chances to interact with said people run dry.

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09 Mar 2018, 4:29 pm

Oh boy....


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09 Mar 2018, 6:38 pm

It sounds like your sexual response is tied up with the active dehumanization of women, that's why watching their dead bodies get cut up excites you--because watching them have the last vestiges of their humanity be removed makes you feel powerful and alive when not much else in life does. This is a sign that you are probably suffering from anti-social personality disorder rather than autism, though it is technically possible you could be both psychopathic and autistic. You should talk to a professional psychologist about your sexual response being tied to dehumanization and what you might be able to do about that with therapy. You might be able to learn to cognitively empathize with people to cut down on the dangers of being a psychopathic person--if you can empathize with people you will be more likely to follow the rules of society and not get yourself in trouble with criminal behaviour.

Honestly, if you're not trolling here: you sound like a budding serial killer. I hope you have access to good professional help in your area.


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09 Mar 2018, 7:26 pm

Moron banned.

Thread locked.

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