Why do guys want girls who want cocky, arrogant guys?
I'm not an arrogant guy.
Arrogantly, I don't give two s**ts if a girl doesn't like me because I'm not cocky/arrogant.
I am the way I am...tough nuggies if you don't like it
Saying this, I don't think you're all that bad, Miss Venom....I sense that underneath all that angst, you're really a cool person.
Don't try to figure these types of b*****s out. Just ditch them, move on and worry about s**t you can control. Set new goals for yourself. Maybe create a cool app. Watch a terminator flick. Learn a different language. Write a book. But, ditch the f*****g b*****s.
Fnord does give a lot of self-improvement advice. FOLLOW IT! He knows what he's talking about. But follow it to make your life more enriching not to deal with crazy b*****s which is what these b*****s who ask why can't they find a nice guy are. Ditch them! Ditch them! Ditch them! Ditch them! Ditch them! Ditch them!
Wow dude! What the hell is your f*****g problem? What the hell do you expect, Virgin f*****g Mary? My beau is a cocky dick but he's the most excitement I've f*****g had. Also he helps out with our flooded hometown. Also mean people deserve love too! Sometimes we're mean because we're shunned for not being Prince Charming or Princess Sweetheart!
What is your f*****g problem? You prize excitement. Here is my question. What happens if he no longer excites you? Can he expect loyalty from you or will you move on to some other fish when he no longer excites you. Thanks, but no thanks. I chose to be myself and single instead of being something I wasn't just to pursue someone superficial in which all of these superficial qualities fade with time. No thanks dude! And you know what paradoxically I found someone who has been with me through thick and thin. I'm not a nice guy or a cocky guy but an authentic guy who knows what he wants and you sweetheart sure as s**t ain't it.
Actually I am loyal despite being "superficial" and dude, I'm all for a guy being himself and vice versa. My man is also just as nice as he is cocky, he's someone who sure as f**k can handle me at my worst. If you can't handle me at my worst then you certainly don't deserve me at my best. I'm an aggressive girl who wants an aggressive guy.
Well sweetheart, I personally wouldn't want to handle you at your worst or best. You two can have each other. Think about it. What happens if he no longer meets your superficial standards or he is no longer exciting to you? What then? And, what happens if you no longer meet his and then he dumps your ass? Are you then going to whine and cry about why you can't find a nice guy? Besides having a nice body and being arm candy what value do you contribute to him?
Rdos is right, it definitely is 1000% a red flag.

Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 14 Jun 2017
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 31
Location: Coquitlam,BC,Canada
Don't try to figure these types of b*****s out. Just ditch them, move on and worry about s**t you can control. Set new goals for yourself. Maybe create a cool app. Watch a terminator flick. Learn a different language. Write a book. But, ditch the f*****g b*****s.
Fnord does give a lot of self-improvement advice. FOLLOW IT! He knows what he's talking about. But follow it to make your life more enriching not to deal with crazy b*****s which is what these b*****s who ask why can't they find a nice guy are. Ditch them! Ditch them! Ditch them! Ditch them! Ditch them! Ditch them!
Wow dude! What the hell is your f*****g problem? What the hell do you expect, Virgin f*****g Mary? My beau is a cocky dick but he's the most excitement I've f*****g had. Also he helps out with our flooded hometown. Also mean people deserve love too! Sometimes we're mean because we're shunned for not being Prince Charming or Princess Sweetheart!
What is your f*****g problem? You prize excitement. Here is my question. What happens if he no longer excites you? Can he expect loyalty from you or will you move on to some other fish when he no longer excites you. Thanks, but no thanks. I chose to be myself and single instead of being something I wasn't just to pursue someone superficial in which all of these superficial qualities fade with time. No thanks dude! And you know what paradoxically I found someone who has been with me through thick and thin. I'm not a nice guy or a cocky guy but an authentic guy who knows what he wants and you sweetheart sure as s**t ain't it.
Actually I am loyal despite being "superficial" and dude, I'm all for a guy being himself and vice versa. My man is also just as nice as he is cocky, he's someone who sure as f**k can handle me at my worst. If you can't handle me at my worst then you certainly don't deserve me at my best. I'm an aggressive girl who wants an aggressive guy.
Well sweetheart, I personally wouldn't want to handle you at your worst or best. You two can have each other. Think about it. What happens if he no longer meets your superficial standards or he is no longer exciting to you? What then? And, what happens if you no longer meet his and then he dumps your ass? Are you then going to whine and cry about why you can't find a nice guy? Besides having a nice body and being arm candy what value do you contribute to him?
Rdos is right, it definitely is 1000% a red flag.
Define "value", we've broken up and made up. The only standard I'm not meeting is yours, I've accepted that I'm never going to have a "nice" guy. I scare nice guys because I ain't a Disney Princess, I'm a f*****g loud mouth with a fiery passionate personality. So if I want a guy or girl that's able to handle a crazy b***h, I'm "superficial". Sweetheart, love isn't about being Prince Charming or Disney Princess, He meets my standards and I meet his just fine.

Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 14 Jun 2017
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 31
Location: Coquitlam,BC,Canada
Arrogantly, I don't give two s**ts if a girl doesn't like me because I'm not cocky/arrogant.
I am the way I am...tough nuggies if you don't like it

Saying this, I don't think you're all that bad, Miss Venom....I sense that underneath all that angst, you're really a cool person.
Thank you

I like crazy b***hes, and adore passionate people, but I hate drama and aggressivity. I know girls that are both totally crazy and very passionate, but that lack drama and aggressivity, and they are my preferred partners.
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 14 Jun 2017
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 31
Location: Coquitlam,BC,Canada
Ok I just happen to think you are cool....live your life and don't doubt yourself.
Thanks, I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not

We agree on this one.
General respect doesn’t mean you have to really like a person. It’s more not telling them they’re a b***h c**t.
Men absolutely should have standards. To not is completely embarrassing.
No woman wants to date someone with no standards usually. If some guy tried to date me because I was all he could get, I think I’d rather die.
General respect doesn’t mean you have to really like a person. It’s more not telling them they’re a b***h c**t.
Men absolutely should have standards. To not is completely embarrassing.
No woman wants to date someone with no standards usually. If some guy tried to date me because I was all he could get, I think I’d rather die.
That would be mortifying! LOL
“Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamais rien toutes seules, et c'est fatigant, pour les enfants, de toujours et toujours leur donner des explications.”
— Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince
Some are b*****s and c***s just like some men are as*holes and dicks.
True dat! Ya win a cigar.

I get it my friend.
Rdos is right, it definitely is 1000% a red flag.
With the added evidence of a (one?) breakup, I feel pretty confident that our perception that this is not a healthy relationship is accurate. I'll just leave it at that though. It's their problem, not mine.
I've been thinking about this as well. Let's look at Elliot Rodger. What if he took on the attitude of that he didn't care whether he got laid or got into a relationship or not? This whole idea of him getting laid and/or getting into a relationship consumed and it cost people their lives. What if he concentrated more on his college studies, hobbies and other things? What if he looked past the appearance of these women and looked at their character and found their character lacking? I think we as men whomever don't have these things need to develop values and self-respect. Part of that is telling a woman "No!" We need to set boundaries as well with others. No is the first start. If one must give up one's values to get into a relationship or get laid then we choose to keep our own values.
Last edited by cubedemon6073 on 28 Jun 2018, 9:44 am, edited 2 times in total.