kraftiekortie wrote:
The thing is, Kip, is that you're a good-looking guy.
You look like one of those gallant, Bohemian types.
You don't have to settle for a Narcissist with BPD.
why is it settling? you think i can do better? or ("better")
im not good looking, though. my hair is too thick, i'm skinny in all the wrong places, i have no jaw and a huge nose, i slouch, i have an odd gaze and i have the aura of a murderer and people aren't shy to let me know that.
and no, "roman noses" aren't attractive. the incredibly marginal difference in breathing ease isn't worth looking like a bird.
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Instead of asking us if it's possible to love a BPD narcissist, why aren't you asking the more important question of yourself: why do you want to try to love a BPD narcissist? Why try to love someone who harms and abuses you because they are psychologically incapable of having a healthy non-abusive relationship? Those are more important questions to answer, if you ask me.
i felt indebted to her because she was the first person ever to really pay attention to me, when i was a child basically, my first "real friend" and now that (she says) she is in a dark part of her life i feel like i should be returning the favor, no matter how sh***y her behavior is.
relationships don't have to be easy to be worth it, and i do enjoy our time together. but from what i see of her, she doesn't seem vulnerable, troubled or really in any kind of danger at all.
i guess...i just need spontaneity and a willingness to do stuff in a partner/friend, and i've never met anyone else quite like her in that regard.
it would be much easier to drop her if i did. when i started dating my ex, i thought she would be like that, but just leaving the goddamn house proved to be an insurmountable task for her in numerous occasions. and i grew frustrated.
and now that i am out of high school (and haven't met anyone in college), it is extremely unlikely i ever will meet someone else.
does that make sense?
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