sociable_hermit wrote:
I have a terrible habit of treating people really badly without meaning to, and then missing them like crazy when they inevitably leave.
I miss many, many ppl eople whom I wish I could have talked to properly in spite of myself.
Me too. It’s been the biggest reason I embarked on more reading and analysing my own self-diagnosis...
It seems the only people who have that all-forgiving capacity of Love for me are my parents and relatives and a handful of genuine friends.
In relationships it’s shown me how cold guys’ hearts can get. - Not all tho, it really depends on the person...
Right now I’m missing a recent romantic connection I had hoped was gonna work out. As with all of them eventually I got to a point of over-texting. Hyperfocusing and trying to go over and over what was said in other moments in the relationship.
I’m now starting to feel much more comforted just being a part of this forum actually.
I’m not sure if the guy who’s still in my heart is actually taking the time and space that I’m giving him now to chew on it, maybe read some stuff about Aspergers here and there - but I sure hope so. I hope he doesn’t give up on us (even tho already said it)...
I can understand that sense of overwhelming hopelessness some ppl must feel when they have been completely disillusioned from “falling in love” with someone on the Spectrum.
It’s not like we’re setting out to “trick” people but we are trying our best to balance between social norms (polite conversations, giving ppl space), and yet who we are and even potentially how intense we could get if u allowed us that freedom!
I think a lot of the tools ppl need is some form of awareness of healthy boundaries and how to communicate that with each other.
From what I’ve been reading on these forums it seems that it certainly helps to have a diagnosis and get some professional advice from there or even reading books with practical advice for some ways of coping.
Writing is oftentimes a form of stimming and I feel that way for sure in myself.
I guess if not this one guy I’m still sentimental about, eventually with the next one, by the time I start getting excited again, I’ll just try to remind myself to jump on here and shout it out to all of you!
Instead of coworkers or even some friends and relatives, and especially not my public social media profiles...! Lol - I think my Facebook friends tolerated my outbursts but just felt like “oh God she’s gonna get her heart broken again she’s getting too excited... *eye rolling!*”
I don’t know why writing helps so much and huge long paragraphs too, right?
Yet I feel it’s actually the most authentic form of communication for me, and my most authentic synethesizing of my life experiences.
It seems many Aspies do feel the same way. And at the same time, it’s not like I’m super keen on another Aspie for a potential partner in a relationship...
I’m not gonna say never but for now anyway, I actually have a sneaking suspicion the guy I still like is high functioning Autism...
He’s very very good at maths.
But then again he could simply be a neurotypical Guy who’s good at maths!
I get to a point in my writing then when I feel like “ok that’s enough self-indulgence for now, I’m done!” And I feel BETTER!
I really love writing and I feel like maybe I’ve finally found a more healthy outlet for it here...