Europegirl wrote:
Rexi wrote:
For example I have a dysfunction to connecting with my partner and I have to work hard to achieve it. It's frustrating but it pushes me to need more time with my s\o before the intimacy is achieved. I'm also not interested in sex as much as emotional stuff, a mix of things including significant trauma in my childhood and later in many relationships. Took me a long time to realize it.
When we're talking about someone expressing to someone else they're 'clingy' we're talking about a position of superiority. There are varying degrees of needs. Commonly people fall in love and get intense. Narcs, antisocials etc. won't understand this fact when explained, for example. You would not be having your own needs or personality in their view, and they could not accept they're flawed because it would severely complicate their view of themselves due to deep insecurities, so you must be the wrong one (for them). Self preservation, mechanism of reaction\adaptation.
Hello Rexi, thank you for your answer. Could you please explain a bit how this disfuntion to connect feels like from your perspective? He seems like this, too, and it is so hurtful.
Luckily he never calls me clingy. He would not devalue a need of someone but rather try to find common ground, which is one of the things that has been healing for me in this relationship.
Take it with a grain of salt, not sure if he would experience it the same way, also since me and him seem so different in general.
It seems that the ability to connect is skewed in a way, so I need certain time to feel like I have received the emotional energy\satisfaction which in turn makes me less able to give and more likely to ask for. It feels like lack of progress and I tended to blame what my partners would do to further interrupt the process and disrupt the mood. Your man seems to need distance though.
Autistic people (particularly men) are known to feel not at home, do not fit in and\or cannot talk about themselves even amongst communities of autistic people due to social severity of issues. Sad but true, connection is very offering and prized. You have mentioned a lot of the things I have often felt in my relationships.
My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. x
Any topic, PM me; mind my profile.