Hey, thanks for the responses, guys. Anyone else with something helpful they can add, that's most welcome
To be honest (which is what we ASDers do ) I have wondered whether his misery in romance is partly self-inflicted because he doesn't want to acknowledge his autism and therefore work with it on the dating scene, rather than against it. But I guess that's something we all have capacity to do - be our own worst enemy...
Look, I get it that ASDers shouldn't necessarily confine themselves to other ASDers for romantic partners. For instance, my husband is also neurodiverse, just not of the ASD type . But yeah, all power to those ASDers who can be in happy, fulfilling relationships with NT people
It's just that my friend - we'll call him Alan - is just not getting any luck with NT girls. So I'm trying (and hey, I may fail) to gently nudge him in the direction of ASD girls. My thinking is that most of them would at least tolerate his intelligent extended ramblings, bluntness, sheer rationality, disregard of many social niceties (not to mention his quirks) because they themselves do similar things. And perhaps one - even just one - will appreciate them... I can vouch that he's a good guy. Just rough around the edges
Yeah, he may have more luck in in-person ASD meetings but until he acknowledges that he's on the spectrum, that particular solution is for further down the track
You raise a valid point about knowing what's on Alan's profile. I don't know, I'm not close to him to that extent, sorry. But you've given me an idea. If he lets me, I'll see if I can provide feedback to him about what he should put there. About the bluntness and the hyper-rationality, for instance. If it's anything different to what he's already put, it'll at least save him some time (and disappointment) by turning away those girls who don't value ASD traits.
Wish me luck, guys
Stay safe!
I may not fit in everywhere, but where it counts, I belong.