In no particular order:
1 - overweight, potbellied, chubby in an unhealthy way, poor diet, obviously doesn't take care of himself healthwise
2 - poor hygiene
3 - unadventurous, dull, rigid, unmotivated, narrow interests, lazy, negative and resistant about new experiences, just general negative attitude
4 - inarticulate, uneducated and culturally myopic
5 - tries too hard to be trendy, cares too much about status
6 - uncomfortable with his own age (tries to act.dress younger than he is because he can't accept he's getting older - not the same as "eternally boyish" which I find attractive)
7 - double standards towards women (he's plain looking and a slob, but thinks he should only date "hot chicks" who "take care of themselves;" has tons of baggage he dumps on a woman but says he won't deal with her baggage, etc.)
8 - has unrealistic expectations towards women, doesn't see women as individuals too
9 - self-centric, not willing to meet a woman halfway in the relationship, or even on a date (i.e., is boring yet except the woman to make the date fun and interesting for him)
10 - whines, fussy, has tantrums
11 - cheap (hell yes if I'm going to spend my valuable time with a guy, he'd better be willing to spend some money on me, thank you very much)
12 - wants a woman to be his mommy/nurturer-caretaker
13 - emotionally insecure, scared of developing an emotional rapport with a woman, automatically thinks women are "needy" if they look for emotional interaction (funny though that these seems to always be the guys who are the most emotionally needy themsleves - another double standard I have no tolerance for)