You got a "yes" vote from me because I bought some a few years ago, out of curiosity. Having worn them many times, I'm still not sure that they do anything, which is kind of disappointing in a product which is expensive (and has a very high profit margin). I researched them thoroughly beforehand, and avoided the ridiculously weak formulations that many producers offer, so it wasn't a matter of having gotten inferior products. I wear them very rarely anymore.
On the other hand, unless you buy stinky ones, they can't do any harm other than to empty one's wallet, and experimenting can be fun.
Well, I take that back... the most commonly used (and, I would add, kind of stinky) suspected pheromone can produce bad reactions, some individuals react badly, overdosage can have a generally negative effect, and women may react very poorly depending on the time of month.
Still, fun to play around with if you have money to burn.