I don't think AS/AS or AS/NT should make any difference at all.
I ended up with an NT, but seeking an NT wasn't a conscious decision because I didn't know anything about AS at the time to even judge whether I had it or not. We have two wonderful children who so far show no signs of AS or autism, although our oldest child is only 2. He and his sister both seem well-adjusted to social situations, though, and they have to deal with constant change. They are extremely physical and close to us, a bit shy every time they are in a new, strange place, but ordinarily make out just fine. I do some volunteer work every few weeks and I bring my whole family with me; everyone seems to manage OK.
I think some of the more unpleasant things my wife has to put up from me can be frustrating, but overall we communicate well and family life runs smoothly--all things considered, remember we have a 2-year old!
As an Aspie, I've always been afraid of small children. I never held a baby before I held my own, and I'm still skittish around other people's kids. But the little punks--I mean, the precious darlings--grow on ya after a while.
It's entirely possible that having children with another Aspie can increase the odds of having an Aspie or Autie child. And while that can be a pain, I say it's a risk you should take. Despite what Autism Speaks might have you believe, there's nothing wrong with us. With careful time and attention, an affected child can be expected to cope reasonably well with the rest of the world. Sure, I have my issues, like the inability to hold a normal job. On the other hand, I'm reminded almost daily how valuable I am to my community. Part of the joy of working one-on-one with little kids is finding little people who are all unique: Some who fit in with their classmates, and some who don't. It's like I'm half piano teacher, half counselor. Don't worry so much about the children you want but don't even know yet. Just be a good and loving parent to whatever monster, uh, I mean, ANGEL you are blessed to have!
I'm pretty sure my kids are both NT. I'll never hold that against them.