ApsieGuy wrote:
nostromo wrote:
I would say it does, I certainly know some women of that age who say it gets harder. and it does get easier as a male, all of a sudden there are more women interested in you, it's a supply and demand thing I guess, and also getting nearer to end of child rearing age.
So less men in there 30s than females.
I just notice some of the women in their 30s at work seem desperate....and they aren't ugly
there can't be less men than women in their 30s, or the men would have to be mostly gay or dead. the average age of men and women at first marriage is only a year or two apart in most countries, so the number of single people at any given age must be close to equal.
i know a couple of single men of that age. one is a divorced single dad who wants a mom for his kids. he has no trouble finding women to fit this situation, and he is working on baby mommy #3. the other man is a confirmed bachelor who would rather stay single than change anything about his life and routines (sound aspie to anyone?). he has had 5 offers from women (1 sexual offer, 4 dates) in the last year, but he didn't pursue any of them very far.
i also know some single women in their late 20s to late 30s. a couple of them are outright desperate to find love (they were 2 of the women who dated the confirmed bachelor, above), and it pushes people away (friends and coworkers too, because they complain about being single all of the time). the other women were less emotional, but they never attained the level of "c'est la vie" of the confirmed bachelor.
i think that sometimes people are seeking other never-married partners, and above age 30 that is increasingy unlikely.
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