mgran wrote:
I hate it when I see threads about handsome men, go and look at the picture, and they look like my brother.

This has happened a few times now... the other one is Michael Rosenbaum... put hair on him, and he's like my brother as well. That one really freaked me out, because I loved him as Lex Luthor in Smallville...
My brother is straight by the way, married with kids, and he has no problem saying that certain men look good. But then he might have some aspie thrown into his mix.
Your brother is facially attractive like Ben Ravenport?
If I knew ben ravenport. I would make his pretty boy butt lift some free wieghts and box with me. The dude could be a model with some wieghts.
and NO im not gay....just get frustrated when people don't reach their true potential