I mean the ones that are good looking, smart, and more advanced than others. They think people like me can go out and have the same success (dating, making friends) they do by "trying hard" which obviously isn't the case. You're either ugly or you're not, you're ether smart or you're not. You're born with more functioning than other people on the spectrum, so of course you'll have success if you work a little hard because you're closer to normal than the lower people.
It makes me sick as I've lurked for years and I've seen this over and over again. People being chastised by the more successful people because they didn't follow their advice on how to get friends and spouses. News flash, they probably tried it in the past and it never worked.
You don't know any of these people, you don't what their faces look like, how they dress, how they act, and what level functioning they are. If person's a 28-35 year old virgin there's a reason for it. It's not there fault, they can't help it. There's no hope
Why don't you people just admit just f*****g admit that there's no hope for people like me. I've been alone my whole life. I've never kissed a girl, and I haven't so much as hugged one in about 5 years. The one true "friend" I used to have used me a punch bag when we got around other people. I was too ret*d and pathetic to realize to tell him to stop. The other friends I've had throughout life weren't really friends. They just used me for stuff I had. Then when we were in public, they'd talked about me and run down my house is.
They'd ditch me when it was time to meet girls. I was pathetic, and I still am. I've tried everything, but no matter what everyone treats me the same. Girls giggled and laughed at me. They'd talk down to me because I'm so slow and dumb, and of course no decent looking chick in her right mind would want to be seen in public with me.
I'm ugly, I'm so stupid that I couldn't get past elementary school, I'm poor, I'm boring, interesting, and annoying to hang out with for an extended period of time. I'm a bum, I have nothing to offer anyone.
See, there are people that can't be saved. Just tell them to give up on socializing, dating, and getting the world to accept them because it's futile, and tell them to focus on other interests that makes them happy. If they can't live that way then they have other another option...