emlion wrote:
all_white wrote:
mv wrote:
I'd like to add that there are probably not many who will be thrilled to learn that your primary attraction to them is their skin color...
Everyone has their "type." We can't help it.
It's like saying 'I only want you because you're thin'
nothing to do with the internal.
The OP does not seem to be referring to anything internal. He is talking about his physical preferences. That is an entirely different thing from what's on the inside. He didn't start this thread to describe his ideal personality in a woman. He's talking about the exterior.
I really don't see the problem here. If someone said they preferred blondes or preferred larger overweight women or preferred skinny ones or they had a thing for green eyes or whatever, nobody would be bashing them in this way. As soon as anyone mentions skin colour, suddenly it's taboo and offensive. Why? What's wrong with acknowledging the things you are attracted to (physically) in the opposite sex?

Hyperlexian wrote:
we can definitely help what type we like

That statement appears to totally contradict the next thing you go on to say:
Hyperlexian wrote:
it changes naturally over time, or with new experiences, and consciously being open to finding attractiveness in a variety of people can help to change it too. i think that very few of us want the same "type" at age 13, 23, 33, 43...